Chapter 3: Oh, Dan!

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-----------------2 weeks later---------
Finally, finals were over and graduation was in 2 days. I've been waiting all my life for this to happen. Right after graduation, we were going to pack. Then that Sunday, we would leave and not return until August. My summer dream coming true. We rented a big brown house right on the beach, with a dock going out to the ocean. The water in the Bahamas was what I'd most be excited for. But some of my other friends got the one right next to ours. Not a lot of teens come to the little beach house area. there were 4 on each side of the street and we had no idea who our neighbors were. "Finally leaving the stupid butt Greenview School district for good now!" Marissa said. We were laying on my basement floor planning for our trip. "We have to go paddle boarding or else I'm not going."Ciara sassed. "Fine but if I throw up in the water, it's your fault." "Whatever." We had a huge binder divided into two sections. Daytime and Night time. we had a page for everyday too. All planned out. Day 1: Unpack and go for a swim, go beach shopping, Tan. Night 1: Find a Party going on and party till we're drunk. Go nightswiming. "But what is the waters cold?" Ciara asked. "Goodness it's gonna be like 85 degrees all summer, I'm sure it won't be cold." "Mkay but I'm still bringing a one piece." "whatever floats your boat, oo that reminds me when are we going crabbing or fishing?" I asked. "Never. Fish and crabs are gross." Marissa scoffed "No there not Marissa." jeez. "Imma post a pic asking if anyone else from Greenview is going to the teen beach." I said. Later after I noticed Someone commented on my pic, it was Dan and he said he had house 309, which was two down from us. He was staying with Garrett, Sam, DeShawn, and of course, Derrick. They were all good friends, but I knew that Sam would be basically rooming with us. In the house next to us was my friends Sophie, Regina, Sydney, and Mallory. In the house next to them, was Carley, Taylor, Cassidy, and Emmy. We went up to my room and blew up and air matress for Marissa and one for Ciara. Tomorrow was out last day of school as seniors. Exciting, yet I was upset the it was all over. We all got ready together, I was in a grey pencil skirt with white crop top that had little elephants made out of lines on it. Marissa had on a black pencil skirt with a tight cropped white shirt and a long necklace. Ciara was wearing a white skater skirt and a pink tank top with little jewls around the bottom. I did a bit heavier of makeup, just so I could leave a mark on the school, just kidding I wanted to look god for Dan because he was my ride this morning. He eventually pulled up in his black Jeep and we all got in, I in the front seat. "Well don't you look lovely today, Margo." "Aww Dan I actually tried today." "And it worked very well." he smirked. AHH is all I thought in my head the whole way there. "Dan can we stop at Starbucks pllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee!" Marissa begged. "Sure! Anything for the lovely ladies." "Yay!" We all said on que. Once we all got to school, Dan had to go to first period and he said "Well I got to go to first period, but I'll get you guys after school and we could get some more Starbucks, sounds good?" "Yea that sounds great!" "Alright bye then." Then the unthinkable happened. He kissed me on the cheek and walked away. We waited till he was gone then started jumping up and down and screaming.Great way to start the morning. Finally school was over. We kissed the walls goodbye and were on our way. I got into Dans car, and we got a table at Starbucks and ordered some pastries to keep us till we left. "So you guys excited for summer, well party everynight!" Dan exclaimed. "I'll party if Derrick stays home." Ciara said. We all agreed. "Oh come on guys, he's not that bad, you know he has a soft side right?" "Such lies." Marissa scoffed. "Well you get to party with me and Sam at least, Sam is histerical when he's drunk." Dan said. "I vote yes." I said. After and hour and a half, Dan took us home. But he dropped me off last. He jumped out of the car and opened the door for me, and took my hand and helped me out. I was freaking out in my mind. "I need to tell you something." He said as we were sitting on my front porch hammock together. "Go for it." I said back happily. "Ever since we meet, there's always been something about you that makes me nervous when we're together. You are sir beautiful, I'm just scared to talk to you. I guess I'm trying to say I have feelings for you Margo." and after a minut of silence, I looked into his eyes and just like that all I knew is that we were kissing. He was an amazing kisser, it felt like I was in heaven. God I've been waiting for this moment since we met. After the kiss, I giggled and said "I honestly never thought you would say that, Dan. My heart was all over the place. I had butterflies making nests in my stomach even though they don't do that. "So I'm assuming you like me too." he laughed. God his laugh was so sexy. "Well it's a yes from me!" is said trying to imitate the people on American Idol. We laughed for a minute before he stood up and yelled "I HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND, THATS RIGHT MARGO XIANNA FITZGEROLD
IS MINE." I started laughing so hard as he screamed into the empty neighborhood. "Sorry I've just always wanted to do that." "Its perfectly alright." I giggled. "Now I'm tired." I said, yawning. "I am too, nap?" "Indeed." We payed back I the hammock and I put my head in his shoulder. We were instantly asleep, going off of one another's warmth. When Dan woke up, He shook my shoulder and whispered, "Margo, wake up." in a raspy voice. "what time is it" I whispered. Everything was dark and we all if a sudden had a comforter on us. "4:14" he whispered. After a minute of silence he croaked "I'm gonna go okay Margo?" "No please stay. Lets go inside." "Are you sure it's okay with your mom?" "Shes not home, she went to Florida for my cousins wedding with my dad." "alright" As I threw the covers off, Dan came to my side of the hammock and scooped me up. He carried me into the house and placed me on the bed. He went back outside to grab the comforter and back in my room he said "I'll be on the couch." "Nooooooooooooo. Stay with me." "Are you sure we'll fit in your bed?" "yep come here." Then we were back out. I woke up and there was a light snoring next to me. My head was buried in his chest and he looked so peaceful sleeping. I carefully scooted out of bed and went to make him breakfast, she I heard the door open and my mom shout "Margo we're home!" Oh shit. I ran back into my room and basically jumped in Dan yelling "Get up hurry and make yourself presentable." "AHH okay." he screamed. He went to get out but ended up falling off the bed. I stood there and giggled at him till he got up. Then I realized that my mom was downstairs. Ahhhhh. I ran down stairs and hugged my mom and dad. "Today's graduation, are you excited?? My mom almost yelled. "Yea of course, but I'm most excited for this summer." I said. "Oh and Dan was here helping me pack and he fell asleep on the couch and he went upstairs to freshen up a bit." "That's fine Margo, just as long as there is nothing going on that I should know about." "Oh there's nothing mom, it's just HE ASKED ME OUT AMD I SAID YES!!!!!" "Oh honey that's great!!! I'm so happy for you!!! Margo's got a boyfriend, Margo's got a boyfriend" she screeched. "okay mom you can stop now..." Then Dan came walking down the stairs looking good, hair brushed, showered, and he straightened his clothes up. "Hi Dan, I heard the news!" My mom exclaimed. "Yea... I've been wanting to do that for awhile. Your daughter is amazing, m'am." He said. "Well she does look like me." My mom said sarcastically. "Yes she does m'am." "Well mom, Dan I need to get ready for graduation so I'll see you in a bit mum." "Okay I'll be making a sandwich then in the kitchen." "Well last night was funn..." I said to Dan. "Yea I'm just glad you said yes..." Then he wrapped his arms around me and we just stood there and hugged it out. Then he gave me a kiss on the cheek and was out the door. I just stood on the staircase smiling until I realized I had just under 3 hours until I permanently would be done school. Well until college, but that's a different page. Plus I already had one suitcase packed and I would need to pack 2 more, and a carry on bag. I ran to my room and jumped into the shower, Making sure I got every little hair off my legs. After 45 mins in the shower, I got out, blow dried my hair, straightened it, then picked out my outfit. I chose a short, strapless dress with a black top that fades into white with black and white almost polka dots in the middle. I did a heavy makeup that made me look actually kind of pretty. Dan was my ride, he said he would pick me up on something fancy, so I was even more excited. "Ahh you look gorgeous Margo." My mom said with tears in her eyes. "Wow...Im speechless." "Aww thanks mom and dad." I turn around to see Dan standing there with tears in his eyes, Wearing the best looking tux, and holding a bouquet of roses with some white flowers. He looked so amazing, so sharp in his tux, he was just so sexy in the first part. "You look amazing." He said smiling. "Again I can't even talk, your taking my breath away." And of course, emotional ol me, starts crying. "That was so sweet Dan." My mom stood there taking pictures and almost crying. I loved Dan with all of my heart, even though we only started dating yesterday. He just made me feel so special, and because we've known each other since 2nd grade, we were almost too close. Outside was a fancy white limo. "Dan it's amazing oh my god." I opened the door and Marissa was there with Deshawn in a black half lace dress. It was gorgeous. Ciara was sitting there with Sam, wearing a a short purple dress with a blue and purple swirl design. Once we got there we all sat down and listened to the principal's boring speech and then we all got excited when she started calling names. "Andria Abalonski, Abree Accoton," etc,etc. Finally the F's. "Margo Fitzgerald." I had a quick panic attack then walked on shaky legs to the podium. I got my Diploma and shook with my right hand, that's right, right? I watched Dan, Ciara, and Marissa. And cheered them on. We got back to the car, after an hour of taking pictures with my family members, and drove to Olive Garden. "So guys this is it." Dan said. "I know, it's kind of sad." Marissa said. " But I'm sooooo excited for the summer. Its going to be awesome." "Omg yesssss!" We all said. Then the waiter came and I ordered a chicken alfredo. "Does Derrick really have to come?." Ciara said to break the silence. "Well yeah, we've been waiting for a while to go and we can't just say 'oh never mind you can't come'." Dan replied. "I think if we just ignore him he'll go away." Marissa said. "Lets not worry about him the whole trip. I'm just looking forward to partying every night and getting a tad bit drunk." I cheered. "That's what I'm going for." Dan said and Marissa nodded in agreement. "Come on guys, were only 17, let's stay legal here." "Oh Ciara have a little fun. It's our last summer together with all of us, let's make it the best we've ever had. Celebrate all the times we've had together, and that we're finally done at the Greenview school district." Marissa said annoyed. "Definitely, I wanna spend some time with my Dan too." I giggled, blushing. "Awh Margo I want to spent time with you too gorgeous." I wrapped my arms around his waist and just got my energy off his warm embrace. The waiter came just as some of my other friends came into the restaurant. "Soph, Regina, Syd, Mal!!!" I yelled running to them. I scooped Syd into a hug and spun her around, then hugged the rest of them. Us seniors, got a huge table to fit as manny of us from Greenview as possible, right now it was only us. Then of course, Derrick, Garrett, and Sam walked in next. I approached them and hugged Sam tight. "Oh my gosh how are you babe! Haven't seen you in a while." He squeaked. "I'm doing great really, just excited for tomorrow. Then I had a sudden anxiety attack because I realized I had so much packing to do. Oh no. I quickly threw that fear to the back of my mind and continued on. "Hey Garrett! How have you been!" I said. "You know me, always vein a bad bitch, but I've been pretty good lately." I laughed way too hard at Garrett's personality. "Hi Margo..." I turned around. "Hi Derrick, glad to see you came..." I said trying to be nice even though I hated his guts. "Yea. I came to be with my friends for a while." "Same." I turned around and headed back to the table as quickly as possible. After about 20 mins. or so, the whole table was filled with almost everyone in outer grade. After they found out about the dinner party, Almost everyone skipped the party that was going on tonight. We all got our food and we're eating contently when Dan stood up and got everyone's attention. "I would like to make a toast. We have all known each other since the first day of school, and I just want to say how far we've become. We all grew up almost as a family. You guys are my school friends and you only get one set of them. I'm glad they were you guys. We've all done so good, and now it's all over. I'm going to miss you guys, a lot and I just want to wish you all a great summer, the best ones you've ever had, and a good life. I won't really see you all together until we have our high school reunion when we're in our 40's." Everyone laughed. "Thank you for being the best people I could know. and thank you Margo for being my girl. I love you all." Then we all screamed 'Cheers'! and put our glasses together. We all laughed and some people actually cried during the toast, including me because I'm an emotional person. Dan drove me home at about 10:45. Outside my house, we said our goodbyes and see you tomorrow's and he kissed me on the lips. God he was an amazing kisser, it was so tender and emotion filled. I scurried up the steps, into my room and it took me an hour and a half to finish packing. Finally I was ready and set.

Thank you guys! We almost have a hundred reads so far. That's amazing because this is my first book I'm writing. If your enjoying it so far, please vote, comment and share with your friends. Also sorry for not writing an authors note last chapter. Oops... Anyway, If you want to, Follow me on Instagram where I have a link to the next chapters when I post them in my bio

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