9-Sports Festival |1|

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3rd POV

"Hey,hey,did you watch the news last night?",ask Hagakure."Yeah",Ojiro replied."Did you see how everyone in class was on screen for a second? I didn't stand out at all...". "That's true",reply Shoji. Ojiro sweat drop,"It's hard to stand out when no one can see you".

"But man,all the channels made a big deal out of it",said Kaminari."I was suprised",add Kirishima."Can you blame them? The hero course  that keeps pumping out pro heroes was attacked",said Jiro."Who knows what would've happened if the teachers hadn't come.But we're lucky that Boboiboy was there to defeat the villains"."Stop that Sero! Just thinking about it's making me wet myself--"."SHUT UP! BE QUIET,SCUM! ",yell Bakugo. Bbb just sweat drop.


"Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to start! stop talking and take your seats! ",said Iida."We're already in our seats"."You're the only one who's not". "Damn it"."Don't mind",Uraraka said to Iida.

"Tsu-chan,who's gonna teach homeroom today?",ask Mina who nearly  fall from her chair."Well,Aizawa-sensei is supposed to be in hospital recovering from his injuries...". 'No,he isn't.He'll come',thought Boboiboy.

The class door opened by the one and only Aizawa-sensei."Ohayo". "AIZAWA-SENSEI!! YOU'RE BACK TOO SOON!!",yell the whole class except Bbb."You're too much of a pro!",said Kaminari with a terrified face.

"So you're alright,Aizawa-sensei?",ask Iida while rising his hand."Can you really call that 'alright' ?",add Uraraka.

"My well-being doesn't matter.More importantly,the fight isn't over yet"."Fight?",Bakugo whisper to himself."Don't tell me...",said Midoroya."The villains again...?!",said Mineta with terrified face."The U.A. Sport Festival is gettting closer",said Aizawa-sensei.

"That's a super normal school event---"."Wait a minute!",Kaminari cut off Kirishima's sentence."Is it okay to have a sports festival so soon after the villains attacked?",ask Jiro."What if they attack us again or something...?",add Ojiro.

"Apparently,they think of it as U.A. showing that our crisis managment system is solid as rock by holding the event.Security will also be strengthened to 5 times from previous years.Above all,our sports festival is a huge chance.It's not an event to be cancelled bacause of a few villains",continue Aizawa-sensei.

"But that's a good reason,isn't it? It's just a sport festival"."Mineta-kun,have you seen the U.A. sports festival?",ask Midoriya."Of course I have.That's not what I mean".

"Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events.In the past,the Olympics were called a festival of sports,and the whole country was a crazy about them.As you know,with a reduction scale and population,they're now the grip of their former glory.And for now,for Japan,what replaces the Olympics is the U.A. sports festival! ",said Aizawa-sensei again."Of course,all the top heroes around the country will be watching for scouting purpose! ",said Yaoyorozu."I know that".

"After we graduate,it's typical to join a pro hero agency as a sidekick"."A lot of people miss their chance to become independent after that and become enternal sidekicks,though.I feel like you'd be one of them,Kaminari.Since you're dumb",said Jiro.

"Of course,joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity.Time is limited.If you expect to go pro,then the path to your future will open up at this event.One chance a year--a total of just 3 chances.Aspiring hero can't afford to miss this event.If you understand that,then don't slack off on your preparations! ".

"Hai!!". "Homeroom is dismissed"


-Lunch time-

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