11- Sport Festival |3|

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"The stage that was frozen in the second match is finally dry, so onto the next match! The assassin from class B! Pretty things have thorns, y'know! It's Shiozaki Ib inara from the hero course! vs Sparking Killing Boy! From the hero course, Kaminari Denki!".

The audience cheers loudly after the introduction. Present Mic was about to comment more about it, but Shiozaki interrupt him politely. She asked about why her introduction said about an assassin and inform him that she just want to win and not to take someone's life.

PM apologized to her, but she continue to talk about her wish to enter U.A.Present Mic admit his mistake and apologized again. She thanked him and walk back to the stage." S-Start!".


Kaminari is flirting with his opponent....*sigh*...Electricity surrounded his body. He attacks her with his full power. Unfortunate for him, Shiozaki use her veins and make a shield to protect herself. The veins then went to Kaminari and wraps him.

"It was decided in an instant! I'll say it once more! In instant!", Present Mic shout." Shiozaki advances to the second round", Midnight said. Kaminari lost to her because he underestimate her.

"What's that? Didn't he say he'd settle this in a second? That's strange, he was defeated in a second, wasn't he? Class A suppose to be better than Class B, isn't that weird?", said a boy with blond hair. A girl with orange hair come and knock him unconscious then apologize to us. 'What's wrong with him? ', everyone thought. Two robots come and take Kaminari to the infirmary.

Suddenly, I heard Midoriya mutter about Kaminari's quirk and not gonna lie....his face is kinda scary. We all stared at him." Midoriya...I think you should stop. You freaking us out", I said to him with a sweatdrop.

"A-Ah!Sorry!It's just a hobby of mine. It's not every day I get a chance to see amazing quirks outside of those in our class...Oh, right! I've done this for everyone in our class...", Midoriya then continues to talk with Uraraka about his note, etc.

"Now, it's time for the fourth match! Rush headlong toward the top! It's like he's the epitome of the middle of the pack! From the hero course, Iida Tenya! vs He's strong or maybe he's weak? He's still not showing his full power yet! It's Boboiboy from the hero course!".

The audience cheers loudly." Ready? Start!!".

"Elemental Power, Boboiboy Daun! Stunning Leaf Shuriken! ". He throws it all toward Iida but he managed to avoid it by using his quirk. He runs around Daun to avoid the leaves and try to attack him when he sees an opening. "Leaf Whirlwind", Daun quickly make a shield when he notices Iida is coming toward him." Vine Whip ", Daun try to catch him but he's just too fast for his vines to capture him.

His guard was down for a little when he see Iida is quite far from him, he's just made a mistake. Iida use his special move, Recipro Burst and run towards him.'5 sec. I'll throw him out of bound before my time's up ', Iida thought as he hold the back of Daun's shirt while running towards the end of the bound. ' Oh no, oh no, oh no...what should I do???!!!....U-umm..ha! '.

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