15 - Friends

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3rd POV 

Back to the situation on the rooftop, the white hair teen finally decides to retreat but ofc he left a note to Fang and ordered him to give it to Boboiboy after he wakes up. Fang hesitates to accept it but takes it, nonetheless.

After that, the teen bids them goodbye not without patting Bbb's head before entering a portal that miraculously appears behind him. Fang, Ochobot, and Cattus hurried toward Boboiboy to check on his condition. 

In the end, they were found by a group of heroes. Even though they look harmless, the hero group still keeps their guard up. After they explained to them that they are Boboiboy's friends, they eventually agree to let him and his companions tag along to the hospital.



Boboiboy was placed in the same room as his classmates, that's what the doctor said to Fang and Ochobot. Sir drops by the hospital too after he's done his work at the city. He finds Fang and a strange robot with a strange-looking cat beside Boboiboy when he comes to visit.

So as the responsible hero he is, he brings them to the police station for questioning and he doesn't forget to call Eraserhead also seeing that they are related to the kid that he's currently taking care of.

After hearing the news from the hero himself, he hurriedly went to Hosu City while startling Present Mic who is sitting at the table just beside him. 


After they were finished getting interrogated, they were released and have been visiting Boboiboy quite a lot. Eraserhead requested to the hospital's director to let them just stay at their friend's room seeing that don't have anywhere to go and at the same time they can help protect the students in case of emergency.

He got approval from the director and inform it to Fang and Ochobot and not to forget Cattus if he understands what they are saying. They are very grateful of him for doing this much even though they just only met. Eraserhead shrug them off and tell them it's fine and give them 100 000 yen.

Fang shock by the sudden cash that was handed to him. "Don't worry, kid. That's your pocket money if you want to buy food. I'll be going now. Keep an eye on him for me will ya", Eraserhead said. "W-Wait! Can you tell us why are you doing this?" Fang asks. Ochobot just an audience on the side lines.Honestly, he doesn't know what to say so he keeps his mouth shut.

"I'll explain to you two later. After the troublesome kids wake up", he replied then left them in the hallway. They just watch him walk away until they can't see him anymore. "I guess he can be trusted after all", Ochobot said. "I guess so". "Meoww ~ ".


Fang POV

We are asked to exit the room for a while because apparently the dog with human body together with the other two heroes are here to discuss something with the UA students, based on my basic knowledge it's a famous school to produce the best hero in here. I even have to pull Cattus out because he doesn't stop hissing to him.

Lucky for us, Boboiboy has yet to wake up from his deep slumber. I still don't know the reason and so does Ochobot. He thought maybe it has something to do with his power. But we can just assume that, so for the time being we are gonna buy some food to eat and for Boboiboy when he wakes up and ofc something that can be used to charge Ochobot.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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