12- Internship

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"You all have your costumes, right? Usually, you aren't allowed to wear them in public. Don't drop them", Aizawa said with his hands inside his pocket. "Okayyy!!", Mina reply. "Don't elongate it. Make it short, Ashido"." Okay...".

"Try not to be a burden to the hero during your internship. Now, go". "Yes, sir!".

Boboiboy POV

We all go to a bullet train that'll go to our destination, different places different trains. I see Midoriya and Uraraka confront Iida because they worried about him since his brother's accident.

I just watch them from afar. They remind me of my friends. I miss them...I wonder what are they doing right now.


" Commander, we already search him at his house and Tok Aba's house", a person reported to his superiors as he does a special salute." So? Did you find him?".

The person and his teammates frown at his question. " So he's still not be found?"." Yes, admiral", he answered. The commander scrolls the tablet in his hand," Yaya and Ying. You two go track down Adudu and interrogate him, maybe he knows where Boboiboy is. Captain Papa will go with you".

"Alright, commander! ", they said while doing the salute and going to the spaceship." D-dey! Wait for me! ", another person said as he was about to follow them. " *fake cough* Where do you think you're going, Cadet Gopal?". "Erk!", he shivers under the admiral's sharp gaze.

" Gopal, you'll go with Captain Kaizo to meet someone. He'll be waiting for you at his spaceship", the commander said. "Eh? Why me??", he whines." He wants you to deliver a message to Tok Aba and while you are at it, please assure him that Boboiboy will be fine. Now, go". He does the salute to both of his superiors before went off to where Kaizo is.

"What about me, admiral?"." Fang, you go check his house and Tok Aba's house one more time"."Huh? But-- ". " It's just a double check, maybe he left something that can lead us to his whereabouts", explained the commander.

"Ochobot will accompany you"." Alright, admiral! "." Meow~ ". Their head snapped toward the sound. " Cattus? Didn't it follow Captain Papa?", the commander asks."Bellbot, why Cattus didn't follow C. Papa?", Ochobot asks. The said power sphere turn around," I don't know. Maybe it worries about Boboiboy too".

"It's already here, bring it with you", the admiral said as he pat Cattus head."Alright", he replies and does the salute while Ochobot open the teleportal.


I arrived at Sir Nighteye Agency.It's one hour away from school and it looks...plain. Anyway, I get inside and see someone with...with a bug face? Honestly, I'm not surprise anymore."You're finally here.He's been waiting for your arrival".


"Please follow me. I'll bring you to his office"."...okay". 'omg that's so awkward ', I thought with a dumbfound face. I follow behind her as she walks to 'his offfice '. After climbing a stairs and walks for a few minutes, we've finally arrived at Sir Nighteye's office.I look at her but she's already on her way.

"Alright, let's do this", I said to myself as I knocked on the door. "Come in". I open the door then walk in and see him, the hero who can see future, Sir Nighteye.

"Oh, you're finally arrived", he says with a stoic face."Yes, sir", I reply even tho I don't know why while still holding my hero suitcase. "Have a sit. I want to ask you some questions before you can start your internship with me"."Yes, sir", I sit at one of the sofa. He's finishing whatever he was doing before I came in. He put down his pen then come and sit down in front of me with his hands folding together.

He stares at me with a cold eyes, judging me perhaps? I just stared back at him without blinking my eyes. After a few minutes, he opens his mouth ,"Are you really from another world?".

I sit there dumbfound ,'Are you seriously asking me that? '."Yes".

"How did you come here?"


His face is saying 'explain to me how the hell did you do that '.

'How am I supposed to know if I don't even know myself. I only try to build that based on my and Ochobot's theory. I didn't think it'll work '. "I built the machine then it suddenly turn on by itself. Then I'm sucked into it and when I open my eyes back, I already fall from the sky with a robot that come out of nowhere".

He must be suspicious of me base on his reaction. Like sir, even I don't want to be here. I'm just unfortunate enough to be sucked into that machine. "Anything else?", he asks again.


"I'm a trustworthy person. So you can tell me everything", he said again with his serious face.

I deadpan, 'What in the world is he saying. Is he trying to get information about my world through me? Did he think I'm that stupid? '. "With all due respect sir, but you didn't seem like a trustworthy person in my eyes. I know you're suspicious of me, but didn't Principal Nezu already told you about my situation, yes?".

"...Yes, of course he had. Anyways, last question. Why did you choose me for your internship?".

"For the plot", I bluntly reply.

He startles a little."F-For what?".

"Um...no reason?".

One of his eyebrows rise like this >🤨 ."I need to know your reason so I can justify whether you're worth for my time or not. Now, tell me", he said with a serious voice.

Sweat dripping down on my face as I clench my fists nervously ."Erm...your quirk?"."My quirk? You choose to intern under me just because of my quirk?". "Well, half truth half lie", I respond to him.His face turn into a frustration, guess he dislike this kind of things where people didn't give him a direct answer.

He gives me his infamous death glare. My face went pale as I sweat drop, "Okay fine. I want you to use your quirk on me the day after tomorrow night cause I've some business here. Happy?".

We both silent for a while. He didn't say anything yet, so am I. 'But it's getting awkward right now! Sir, please say something!! '.


"Did you find him?", Shigaraki ask a white hair teen."Yep! He's still the same person I've met 3 years ago. I can't wait to meet him again!!", he said with an excitement in his voice.

"So you're planning to meet him.When?".

"Whenever he wants".

"Why don't you just go and meet him? Isn't that more easier?".

"It's no fun like that~ ", the teen says with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Shigaraki just stares at him, annoyed as he rolls his eyes. "Whatever".



Yo guys

It's a chapter for a special day 🥳🥳

It should be a special chapter but my mind is so blank and I have no idea what to write😅



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