14 - Emergency

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Solar POV

I found the items to complete the portal, projector and power core. I put them in my bag and get ready to leave when suddenly my watch start to beep.

I check it and it's from Ais. Hmm strange, why not just call me? Is he busy or there's emergency?

Wait...is he in trouble? But what about Hali? Who's watching him then? Shit.

I trace their location before I use my light jump to go to Ais first.

3rd POV

Ais was helping citizen to evacuate from the area when he suddenly heard a voice behind him. "Yo!" He startled a little as he turns around to see who is it. "Hah...it's just you. Don't scare me like that you old geezer!". "HUH!!! WHAT DID YOU SAY?? OLD GEEZER??? PUH-LEASE, YOU HAVE WHITE HAIR TOO!! NOT JUST ME!! DON'T ACT SO IGNORANT YOU FAT POLAR BEAR!!"

"HEY! DON'T CALL ME THAT! WE DON'T PLAY WITH PEOPLE STOMACH EH! " Ais said as he pouts angrily. Solar who sees this smirk a little, "Alololo are you sulking just because of that? I'll buy you a lot of plushie when we get home okay?"

"Make sure it's a whale". "Alright, alright. More importantly, do you see his SOS signal?" Solar asked. "Who?" "Hali, you airhead!" "Oh yeah, no I didn't see it. Why--" And at that moment, a red lightning suddenly struck down on one of the buildings just a few blocks from their location.

They look at each other and nod. Solar quickly use his speed to get there but before that, he comments on Ais's appearance, "You look cool btw". "Don't you mean we ?" Ais said dumbfound as Solar already vanish from his sight. He's ready to go when he hears someone is calling for him.

He stops and turn around and see who is it, it was Sir. "Can you go search for Shoto? He suddenly went on his own way when on the way here. Endeavor asks this favor-- well more like demand but can you do it?".

Ais sealed his lips shut, 'Why now? Haihh... it's not like I have a choice and beside Solar already went ahead. I guess it's fine...right? ' "Alright". "His last location is xxxx-xxx-xxxx . Good luck". Ais stares at him, he's a bit skeptical about Sir just now. But he's still left to the location anyways. Sir who watches him from behind smirk and left quietly.


Using my power to skate between the building, I head to the location that was given to me even though it's a bit suspicious but what can I do? I'll just go take a look at the area and quickly go back to Solar.

I'm finally arrived but I can only see an alley. Nothing here. As I was about to retreat back, I see... an ice spike? Maybe it's Todoroki. Haihh... too much work. I'll sleep to my heart content after this.


Solar POV

The building come into my view together with the people on the rooftop. I land a bit far for him. I make an eye contact with him while he's smiling with full of sinister. I glare at him while watching Hali sleeping on him. Tch, sick bastard.

"Ah..you must be here because of the lightning, right? I'm a bit surprise that he can still pull that move even in his sleep. Oh well, how about we have a chat while waiting for the last one, hm?" Solar just keeps his mouth shut. He needs to think a way to take Hali away from him without fighting.

Is that even possible? He doesn't know. Even if he merges back... what about Ais's situation? What if he's helping people right now seeing him as yet to arrive. That's the only reason he chooses not to merge back. Sweat dripping on his face, why only now that his brain can't think of any plan.

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