7-USJ attacked

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Boboiboy POV

I wake up early in the morning, go take a bath and change into my uniform. I go downstairs and make a breakfast for me and Aizawa. I eat my breakfast first then go to the school. When I arrived at the entrance of the school, I see a lot of reporters. I tried to walk through them without their notice. But lucky isn't in my side, they noticed me and ask me questions nonstop. I just smiled at them. But Mr. Aizawa shoo them away all the reporters. I walked past him and go to class.
"Alright class, our heroic class today is a bit different. We'll go to USJ today. There will be me and 2 other teachers".

"Sensei! What we'll learn this time?"–Sero.

Aizawa put out a card, "Rescue training. All of you will be learning to rescue people from a different situation. You can choose to wear your costume or gym clothes".
"Everyone, I've been waiting for you".

"It's the space hero-Thirteen!"- Midoriya.

"Let's go inside without delay".

"Look forward to work with you!!", all the class 1-A shouted and bow.
"Wow! It looks like Universal Studio Japan!", Kirishima said.

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire and a windstorm. It's a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters. It called the 'Unforseen Simulation Joint' or 'USJ' for short"-Thirteen.

'It's really USJ...', everyone thought.

"Thirteen, where's All Might? He was supposed to meet us here", Mr. Aizawa asked.

"About that...it looks like he did too much hero work on his way to work and ran out of time, so he's resting in the lounge", Thirteen answered.

"That's the height of irrationality. It can't be helped, so shall we begin?".

Thirteen start to say about his quirk and the danger of quirk that can kill people.

"Urm...Mr. Aizawa, what's that?", Bbb asked while pointing at a water fountain direction.

There are like purple portal in the middle of the USJ. People start to come out from it and lastly the one who has blue hair with many hands on his body and the weird creature.

"Wow! They even have a fake villain. So manly!", Kirishima exclaimed.

"No. Those are real villains! Gather together and don't move! Thirteen protect the students ", Mr. Aizawa yelled then go to the center of the USJ and fight the low-class villains.

"Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd to All Might, The Symbol of Peace. I can't believe he's not here. I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids?",s aid the villains with many hands on his body.

Sorry for the late update and short chapter. The next chapter will have the actions.

Maybe I'll take time too, so I'll apologize if that's happened.

I hope y'all safe from this pandemic 😔. The case is rising at my country, be safe!

See ya in the next chapter!

Don't forget to comment and vote 🗳!

Roger and out!😋

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