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Aizawa POV

I rushed to my home after my class end.When I enter,my home look very clean than usual.Then I hear someone in the kitchen. I go to take a look and it's just Boboiboy searching something in the cabinet. I think he doesn't realize that I've already back.

"What are you doing?" I said to him. He flinches slightly and quickly urns around then sigh in relief. "Nothing. I just search some food". "Didn't I told you that I'll bought some food when I got home?", I said then put a few of plastic bag on the table. 

"Here. I bought two pack of rice and curry. A few breads and sandwiches". Boboiboy slowly walks toward the table and sit at one of the chairs. "Can I eat it?". "What kind of question is that? Of course, you can. Why would I buy a lot of food if you're not gonna eat it?", I said. 

I also take a seat and grab the rice with curry then start to eat it. Boboiboy starts to eat it too. We are chatting with each other about a different topic. "I see two cats around the house. Is that yours, Mr. Aizawa?", Boboiboy asked. "Yeah, the black name's Kuro and the orange one Oyen". "Pfft--", the water he drank sputtered out when he heard the orange cat's name. "Are you for real?", he asked for confirmation. 

"Yeah, why?", I asked him with a smirk. "Nothing. I'm just surprised", he replied. "Did they disturb you?". "Ah, no. They are so nice and cute. They reminded me of my cat". "Your cat? So, you've one too?", I asked. "Yeah, and he's a bit special".

"How come?". "His name is Cattus and he follow me and my friend when we went back home after finished a mission". "But where did you found him actually?", I asked. "We first met at Planet Gurunda. He was thirsty so I gave him a cup of water and the next day I saved him from getting abducted. It's a long story but that's all the important information you can know".

"Hmm", I nod. We eat in silence after that. Boboiboy go back to his room when he finished eating his food. I just sigh tiredly and stand up too. I put cats' food in the bowls as they come running to the kitchen from who knows where. It's still 8 pm. I will sleep a little before going to work.


It's short as. The me two years ago is really lazy. I won't promise this, but I'll try to write a longer chap in the future. 

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See ya in the next chapter!
Roger and out!

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