2-Sick on the first day

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Boboiboy POV

"Alright then, I'll let him to introduce himself ", I heard Mr. Aizawa said. I then take one step forward and introduce myself. "Hi, my name's Boboiboy. I'm 15 years old. I hope we all can be--*cough*-- friends ", I said with a smile. Bad timing. Out of all the time, why now?

"So, Boboiboy already introduce himself. He'll do the quirk test now", I heard Mr. Aizawa said. Then, all of my classmates start to protest or whatever they said. One of them who has a pink skin and a pink hair said, "Why all of sudden I feel hot?".

'Damn it. It started already ", I thought. "Mr. Aizawa, I feel sick. Can I--*sneeze*"." Woah! Doyou feel a strong wind in here?", the pikachu boy asked. "Boboiboy, do you want to see Recovery Girl?", Mr. Aizawa asked. 

"No, it's not that serious. No need to see her. I just--*cough*-- need to go back home...", I said and look at my hand. 'I thought I already had it under control '"Alright, I'll send you back". "T-Thanks". "All of you, stay here for a while. I'll back and don't cause any trouble. Understood?".

"Yes, sir!". "Good. Now, let's go Boboiboy". Mr. Aizawa bring me to his car, and he drive to his home. On the way there, he asks me, "Boboiboy, are you really fine being home alone". "Yeah. You don't have to worry about me".

Aizawa POV

I invited him into my house and lead him to a spare room. The room is same with the others. I said to him that the room will be his while he stays at my house. Boboiboy enter his room and sit in the bed. I checked my watch, it's 10:00 a.m. I must go back to my students. "I need to go now. I'll buy some food when I get home later". "Alright". 

I take a look at him one last time before I left. It's only the first day. 

3rd POV

"Do you think Boboiboy is alright?", Uraraka asked. "I hope he's okay", Midoriya replied. "Yeah, me too .He's really look sick", Iida said. They are too busy talking with each other that they didn't notice that their teacher already arrived. "Alright class, we are done for today", Mr. Aizawa said in bored tone. Then, all students of class 1-A start to ask him about Boboiboy.

He explained about how Boboiboy is all right and leave out some part like the new kid is staying at his hpouse. After that, they go to change their clothes.


So? ~ How is it??
Is it boring or else??
Don't forget to comment and vote 🗳!!
I'll try to write more chapter!!

See ya in the next chapter!!

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