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Hello!! I'm back!..for a while...

Apparently..I have time to update this story and not the other one.

But not too long.. I'll going back to school next month for exam.


"What?! Villain?! No way...there's no way they could get into a hero school! ",said Kirishima."Sensei,what about the tresspasser sensors?",ask Yaoyorozu. "Of course we have them,but..."

"Did they only appear here,or around the whole school? Either way,if the sensors aren't responding,that means they have someone with a quirk that can do that.An isolated area seperated from the main campus,during a time when a class is supposed to be here.They might be fools,but they're not dumb.This suprise attack was carefully planned with some sort of goal in mind".The rest of the class A are shocked by what Todoroki have said.

"Thirteen,start the evacuation.Try calling the school for back up.These villains even had something to counteract the sensors.It's possible someone with radio-wave-type powers is interfering", Aizawa explained while getting ready to fight."Kaminari,Boboiboy,you try contacting the school with your quirk too",order Aizawa."Yes sir!". "What about you,sensei? Can you go fight by yourself? There's too much villain,even if you can erase their quirks....your fighting style is capturing after erasing enemy's quirk. A frontal battle is...",said Midoriya worriedly."You can't be a hero with just one trick.I'm leaving it to you,Thirteen",Aizawa said then go to fight the low class villains.


"Aizawa-sensei is really good at fighting by himself against a lot of people,huh?",Midoriya whisper to himself. "There's no time for analysis! Hurry up and evacuated!",said Iida to Midoriya.They both went to join the others,but they forgot about Boboiboy that had been asleep.


"I'll tell you,Eraserhead.He's the anti-Symbol of Peace,the bioengineered 'Nomu' ",said the light blue hair villain.Nomu is holding down Aizawa.

Meanwhile with Bbb...

"Huh? What happened?",Bbb whom accidentally use his water element to calm himself till he fell asleep in the middle of a villain attack without his classmate knowing.

Back to the main fights

"It's 3 vs 5 ",said Todoroki."Kacchan already exposed the fog's weakness"."These guys are crazy,but if we back up All Might,we can push them back!",said Kirishima."No! Run away",All Might said calmly."You would've been in trouble if I hadn't done anything earlier,right?". "That was a different story,Young Todoroki.But,thanks.It's fine.Just watch as a pro gives it everything he's got",said All Might."But,All Might! You're bleeding! ",Midoriya said worriedly.But All Might just give him thumbs up.

"Nomu,Kurogiri.Get him.I'll deal with children",order Shigaaraki.The villains was about to attack but...."Hey~ What did I miss?"."BOBOIBOY?! /YOUNG BOBOIBOY?! "."Yo",reply Boboiboy.

"Yo",reply Boboiboy

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