Playa De Losers

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*Playa De Losers is where the campers from Total Drama Island are taken after their elimination, via the Boat Of Losers* 

Chris: Hey all you viewers, and welcome back to another episode of total drama island wars! Today we are back at playa de losers to talk to the ex contestants, and ask the  a few questions.

*Chris and his new camera man walk towards to the blue chaise lounge chairs, where he sees zoey, mike, noah and cody.*

Chris: Greetings, again ex contestants.

Noah: Why do you keep bothering us, old man?

Chris: Will you shut up for a minute and let me speak?!

*Chris says with an angry tone and turns towards zoey and mike*

Chris: Since it's the final five, my camera crew here will interview you and how you feel about everything. See ya later losers!

(time skip)

New camera guy: So zoey and mike, how do you feel about getting eliminated?

Mike: Honestly, as long as I have my girl with me, I don't care about being eliminated.

*Zoeys face turns blush red, as Mike wraps her arms around her*

Zoey: I"m really glad I made it to the final seven, I don't care about winning since I already won a season.

New camera guy: Cool.

*The camera guy leaves the benches and walk towards the bar spotting Trent, Alejandro and Owen, (who was making out with izzy)*

New camera guy: So, Trent and Alejandro, What do you think of being eliminated?

Alejandro: I honestly thought i'd win this time, but mi amor is still in the game so there's nothing to worry about.

Trent: I just came back for Gwen, I didn't really want to win.

New camera guy: what about you Owen?

*the camera guy turns to see Owen and Izzy eating eachothers faces*

New camera guy: oh....kay...

(time skip)

*Every ex-camper were sitting around the pool, talking to eachother until the camera man asks a question they've been asked before*

New camera man: So, who is everyone rooting for to win?

Lindsay: I thought I told you this already?

Noah: If her dumbass says Tyler, i'm jumping off the nearest cliff.

Lindsay: I want Tyler to win!

*Lindsay says as Noah and the other campers groan with annoyance.*

Alejandro: Mi amor, Heather is obviously going to win.

Harold: I don't know dude. Even though I hate Scott, he's a pretty good player have to admit that.

Leshawna: Scott is not going to win.

Trent: Exactly, all he does is rig the votes. With that strategy, he's never going to the final two.

Bridgette: he rigged the votes?

Zoey: Yeah, Cody wasn't supposed to be eliminated, Scott was.

*Everyone went silent for a few seconds, then a outburst came from Cody*


Harold: No offense Cody, but even if you weren't voted out early you still wouldn't be in the final five.

Noah: I know damn well you aren't talking dork.

Harold: Whatever, truth hurts.

Leshawna: I think Courtneys gonna win. Girls scary, and she's got game.

Bridgette: To be honest, Courntey's one of the strongest out of all of us.

Harold: Not stronger than me.

*Harold says as he flexes his non existent muscles towards Leshawna*

Leshawna: Yeah... definitely stronger than you.

*The camera man then faces the camera towards all the campers*

New camera guy: Before the episode ends, is there anything you want to say to the remaining campers?

Trent: I miss you, Gwen!

*Trent says to the camera and throws up a peace sign*

Alejandro: Mi amor, te estoy apoyando, brezo.

*Alejandro says as he winks to the camera*

*Chris then enters playa de losers, spotting the campers*

Noah: great, he's back.

*Noah says with a sarcastic tone.*

*Chris rolls his eyes and turns to the camera*

Chris: That's all for today, See you next time on TOTAL. DRAMA. ISLAND WARS!!!

A/N: 603 words.

Sorry this chapter was short, the other ones will be back to their regular length.

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