Episode Ten: Escape The Night

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Chris: LAST TIME ON TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND WARS! The teams go swimming with the fishes.
*shows clip from last episode*
*theme song plays*

   (the boys cabin)

(since the teams are merged the boys share a cabin and the girls share another)

Duncan: dudes finally we get to merge. I hated being on a team with a bunch of chicks.

Trent: Same here.

*Duncan stands up and raises his hands in the air with a huge grin on his face*

Duncan: we need to form a guys alliance. There's only 4 of us left and 5 girls left.

Alejandro: I don't know mi amigo, we're already in a alliance with heather and courtney.

*Duncan rolls his eyes at alejandro and sits back down*

Duncan: So? We need to break the alliance and create a guy alliance. We need to take the girls down.

Trent: You have a point... ok, i'm in.

*Duncan looks at alejandro and tilts his head*

Duncan: What about you, mexican man candy.

Alejandro: fine, i'm in.

Duncan: That's what I like to hear. And you, freckled farm boy.

Scott: Hell no. The last thing I want is to team up with a bunch of losers like you guys.

Duncan: your loss.

~Confessionals: Duncan~
~I don't trust scott. In fact I hate him, but always keep your friends close, and your enemies closer~

(the girls cabin)

Heather: Listen up idiots.

Gwen: who are you calling "idiots"?

Heather: Just to make everything clear, I can't stand any of you except for courtney. So If you're not courtney, don't talk to me.

Courtney: It feels nice to be an exception.


Zoey: what does he mean by escape?

(meanwhile at the docks)

Chris: good morning campers! Is everyone comfortable with their new roommates?

*gwen turns to heather and glares at her, then turns back at chris while crossing her arms*

Gwen: no.

Chris: well to bad!

Zoey: chris, what did you mean by escape the night?

Chris: I'm glad you asked zoey! Today's challenge you all are going to do an escape room. The first one out of the escape room wins invincibility!

~Confessionals: Scott~
~I'm definitely winning this challenge. When I was younger my pappy used to set up mini escape rooms in our garden and laugh when me and my sister albertha got lost and confused~

Gwen: you mean I actually have to try this challenge? Fun....

*chef walks towards to gwen and leans towards her*

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