Episode Eighteen: Come Die With Us Part 3

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TW: Mentions of childhood trauma, graphic violence, extreme anxiety, and drugs
Chris: LAST TIME ON TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND WARS. Contestants planned an epic party last episode.
*shows clip from last episode*
*theme song plays*

It's 6:15!

(courtney is getting ready with bridgette and heather)

Heather: Omg! This lipstick is SO your colour, Court.

Courtney: (apathetic) Wow. Thanks.
Bridgette: Court...what's wrong?

Courtney: Just stressed.

Heather: With?

Courtney: Figuring out the perfect song to do karaoke to

~Confessionals: Courtney~
~I hate lying to my friends but I hate breaking down. It makes me look weak (starts crying) and stupid. Daddy's stupid little girl.~
Heather: I know what I'm going to do. Maybe you're the problem by Ava Max.

Bridgette: Why?

Heather: Because I'm doing Courtney a favour.

Courtney: What favour-

(heather walks out of the cabin with a smirk on her face)

Bridgette: What the fuck was that about? What favour?

Courtney: Bridge, I wish I knew. (looks at watch) Omg! I'm going to be late! Bye Bridge!

(courtney runs out of the cabin)

Bridgette: Bye, Court! (sighs)

~Confessionals: Heather~

~It's called payback! I'm going to make Scott pay for fucking with Courtney. Of course I can't let anyone know what I'm planning yet so Chris, if you leak this, you. are. going. to. pay. Court, this is for you!~

At the docks

(Duncan is in his normal clothes. Courtney then came and saw a steak dinner set up)

Courtney: Oh my god-how did you even-

Duncan: Well, Court, let's just say Chris ships his campers a little too much.

~Confessionals: Duncan~

~That is true but....I kinda threatened Chris. Just kinda~


Duncan: Of course- (interrupted by Courtney running to the table and starts eating her steak)

~Confessionals: Duncan~

~Lesson One: Keep lots of bloody marys in stock!~

(duncan stares at her for a second)

Courtney: (with food in her mouth) What?

Duncan: Nothing. Please continue.

Courtney: Sorry.

Duncan: Why are you apologizing?

Courtney: Strict household.

Author's note: Same girl :P

Duncan: Speaking of that...wanna tell me why you're soooo "stressed"?

Courtney: Duncan...you remember when I wrote the book about things to change about you?

Duncan: Yes? Why?

Courtney: And you also know my dad forced me to do that?

Duncan: Yea. WAIT- does your dad-

Courtney: Hit me?! No. He just is never satisfied.

Duncan: What do you mean by never satisfied?

Courtney: As a child, it was just my dad and I because my mom cheated on her husband for my dad and after I was born, she just disappeared. Being single, a lawyer and having a young daughter was difficult. Because of that and my mother's choices, he let his anger out on me. I don't mean like physically hitting me but always expecting me to be this perfect girl. Straight A's. Perfect hair. But most importantly, a perfect future husband to carry on the Satella name. When I told him about you, he said you had to change to be "perfect" for our family. And when you cheated on me, I used Alejandro not only to make you jealous but because I knew my dad would like him. Originally, my dad was forcing me to take drugs that made me act "perfect" but I stopped taking them. I had those breakdowns mostly because of Scott but also because of how mentally damaging my father is.

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