Episode Three: Karaoke Wars

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Chris: LAST TIME ON TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND WARS! The campers had to answer a shocking truth or get shocked.
*shows clips from last episode*
*theme song plays*

               (the rabid rangers cabin)

Zoey: hey courtney, are you ok?

Courtney: I'm fine, zoey. Thanks though.

*zoey looks up heather, and heather shakes her head no to zoey*

Zoey: well, if you need something, I'll be outside.

*zoey picks up her notebook and left the room. Meanwhile duncan sets foot into the cabin*

Heather: what are you doing here? this is the girls cabin!

Duncan: calm your ass down, I need to talk to princess.

Heather: whatever.

*heather leaves the room, leaving duncan and courtney alone together*

Courtney: what do you want?

Duncan: Can we please just talk?

Courtney: fine, you have 5 minutes then I'm leaving.

Duncan: Courtney, I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't know you were forced by your parents to write that book.

Courtney: Duncan can we please talk about this later? The challenge is about to start.

Duncan: But, courtney...

Courtney: I'll see you at the dock, duncan.

*courtney rolls her eyes and exits the cabin, leaving duncan by himself. Abruptly, chris speaks into his megaphone*


Duncan: ugh, bastard.

              (meanwhile, at the docks)
Chris: alright campers. Today's challenge will be a singing challenge. Each team will pick a singer to perform a song and whoever puts on the best performance will win.

Gwen: are you kidding me.

Chris: Nope! So everyone choose a person and practice because everyone performs in 1 hour.

(the rabid rangers)

Scott: I say courtney sings. She's the best singer here.

Courtney: thanks scott but I don't really want to sing.

Zoey: come on courtney, we'll surely win if you sing!

Courtney: fine i guess..

~Confessionals: Courtney~
~I wasn't nervous or anything, i was in a rock band. I just wasn't in the mood.

*courtney looks at duncan and back to zoey*

Courtney: i know exactly, what I'm going to sing.

Heather: we're going to win this for sure.

(the whaling whales)

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