Episode Four: Kart Racers and Heart Breakers

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Chris: LAST TIME ON TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND WARS! One camper from each team had to perform a song last challenge.
*shows clips from last episode*
*theme song plays*

(the rabid rangers cabin)

Heather: are you and duncan really back together?

Courtney: yeah, I'm surprised also.

Zoey: what if he cheats on you again? Like they say, once a cheater, always a cheater.

*courtney looks up at zoey and heather glares at them with angry eyes*

Courtney: guys, you don't have to worry. I honestly think he's changed. Besides i told him if he cheats on me again, he's going to regret it big time.

Heather: ok but if you see him suck faces with gwen again, don't come crying to me.

*courtney rolls her eyes and leaves the cabin, then bumps into duncan*

Duncan: Princess!

*duncan pulls courtney in for a kiss by her waist*

Courtney: Good morning to you to.

*duncan and courtney both sit on the bench near the pond, and duncan puts his arm around courtney*

Duncan: hey, remember when we got matching tattoos 3 years ago? I still have mine. I don't blame you if you got yours lasered of since I-

*courtney pulls up her sleeve revealing a red heart shaped tattoo with the letter D on it*

Duncan: You still have it...

Courtney: It never left.

*duncan caresses Courtneys cheek and pulls her into a kiss, but gets interrupted by chris mcleans stupid megaphone*


Courtney: are you kidding me.....

*courtney stands up angrily facing the megaphone*


Chris: do it after the challenge Courtney.

Courtney: W- wait he can hear us?

               (meanwhile at the docks)

Chris: alright campers, everyone knows the famous wii game Mario Kart right? Well today's challenge is going to be a real life version of it but more dangerous.

Cody: are you going to make us shoot each other?

Chris: Yes and no. Not with real guns but with paint ball guns. There will be items all over the track which you can pick them up and use them to slow your enemies down.

Duncan: well this is going to be fun.

Chris: There are 8 carts. So two of you will get your own cart. So here are the teams for the rangers. Duncan and Courtney, Heather and Alejandro, and Noah and Scott. So zoey gets her own cart.

Heather: No way I'm working with Alejandro!

Noah: And no way I'm working with farm boy over here.

Scott: watch your mouth. *scott turns to see duncan and courtney smiling and giggling at each other, then he gets angry*

~Confessionals: Scott~
~No way I'm jealous of courtney getting back together with Duncan... okay maybe i am a little jealous... But i have the perfect plan to break them up.. I just have to bribe certain people to help me~

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