Episode Eleven: Cooking Madness

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Chris: LAST TIME ON TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND WARS! The remaining campers had to escape the night.
*shows clip from last episode*
*theme song plays*

(the girls cabin)

*Courtney was sitting next to gwen with her arm around her shoulder*

Gwen: I can't believe trent got voted off...

Heather: Oh boohoo. You're boyfriend got eliminated and you're just going to give up?

*gwen looks up as heather then looks back to the ground*

~Confessionals: Heather~
~Gwen is so gullible.. If she keeps acting like a baby, she'll get eliminated very soon~

Gwen: pretty much....

Courtney: It's going to be okay gwen..

Zoey: Yeah, you'll get through this, when mike got eliminated I was devastated. But look at me now, I never gave up.

Gwen: That doesn't help, zoey.

*Heather rolls her eyes and crosses her arms*

Heather: All of you are pathetic.

Gwen: aren't you dating alejandro? so you wouldn't care if he got eliminated?



time skip

(meanwhile at the docks)

Chris: Alright campers, since everyones here I have some very important news.

Heather: Let me guess, todays challenge is going to be us killing eachother?

Chris: Nope, but that would make a great one... But for todays challenge, you'll be working in duos!

Scott: you've got to be kidding me...

Duncan: for once I agree with dirt boy.

*Scott rolls his eyes and glares at duncan*

Chris: So, the duos for todays challenger are gwen and zoey, heather and alejandro, duncan and courtney and scott and dawn.

Scott: No way i'm working with dawn!

Dawn: Oh please, I'd rather choke on carpet than work with you.

Zoey: calm down scott, it's not that serious...

Scott: easy for you to say, you got your best friend, heather and courtney got their boyfriends and I got my mortal enemy.

time skip

*Everyone was talking about what they should make for chris, dawn and scott were arguing, gwen and zoey were looking confused and heather and alejandro were already getting started on their dish*

Duncan: maybe we should make something basic, like spaghetti.

Courtney: Duncan, we want to wow chris, not make something basic and boring..

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