Episode Thirteen: Zombie Hunters

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Chris: LAST TIME ON TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND WARS! The remaining campers had to search for a missing camper.
*shows clip from last episode*
*theme song plays*

(the boys cabin)

Duncan: We have to do something about Scott, dude.

Alejandro: Like what? We've been trying to kick his ass off for weeks but somehow he's still here.

*Duncan then stops pacing back and forth and turns to Alejandro with a smirk*

Duncan: We start playing the hard way.

*Scott enters the cabin with a sinful smirk on his face*

Scott: Hate to break it to you scumbags, but there's only six of us left. And it's obvious i'm gonna win so you probably better back out now.

Duncan: Fuck you.

Scott: oh I'd LOVE to fuck Courtney. 

*Scott says which gets Duncan Fuming with anger*

Alejandro: oh my-

~Confessionals: Duncan~



*Duncan says while grabbing Scott by the shirt and raising his fist to punch him, just to be interrupted by Chris*


*Duncan than sets his eyes back on Scott, letting his shirt go causing Scott to fall to the ground.*

Duncan: Listen here, farm boy. If you lay one fucking finger on Courtney, you're fucking dead got it?

Scott: I won't make any promises.

Duncan: Oh you are SO lucky that Mclean' called us to the docks because if he didn't, you wouldn't even be fucking alive right now.

Scott: You really think i'm scared of you?

*Duncan gets up, walks towards the door and looks back at scott*

Duncan: you're a fucking coward, farm boy.

(meanwhile at the docks)

*The female campers were sitting on the sand, waiting for the male campers to come. Then
Courtney spots Duncan*

Courtney: Hey Dunc-

*Courtney was cut off by Duncan smashing his lips to hers, and cupping her cheeks*

Heather: Can you guys, like get a room? 

*Heather glares at them with a disgusting face, while Courtney rolled her eyes, she looked back at Duncan with a confused smile*

Courtney: What was that for?

Duncan: Just felt like it, princess.

*Duncan turns around and spots Scott glaring him down with his arms crossed. Duncan Then laughs under his breath. He thought that making out with Courtney in front of him would ruin his A game*

~Confessionals: Scott~

~If Duncan thinks he could take Courtney away from me, he's dead wrong. You hear that, juvie? COURTNEY WILL BE MINE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER~

Chris: good to see you, campers.

Gwen: you mean prisoners?

*Chris tugs his finger nails into his hips and glares down Gwen*

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