Episode Fourteen: Wipeout

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Chris: LAST TIME ON TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND WARS! The campers go head to head and fight fake zombies.

*shows clip from the last episode*

*theme song plays*

(the girls cabin)

*gwen was on her bed talking to courtney, until the door flew open and revealed heather.*

Heather: meeting ladies, now!


~Heather is so irritating. She always thinks she's in charge of everything and has this superiority complex.~


~I mean someone has to be in charge here.~

Gwen: and who said you get to call meetings?

*gwen stood up from her bunk and walked towards heather with a confused face and her arm crossed, while heather turned to gwen with a stern face and tilted her head with her hands on her hips*

Heather: I did so suck it up, gothy.

*gwen rolled her eyes*

Heather: the season is almost over ladies. we need to take down the guys.

Courtney: what are you saying?

Heather: i'm saying that we need to form an allience,  take down duncan and scott and go to the final three together.

Gwen: Heather actually having a good idea? weird.

Courtney: wait, I just can't do that to duncan!

*heather turns to courtney and puts her hand on her shoulder*

Heather: news flash, court. this is total drama, not total love confession. it's either the money or the man.

*suddenly heather was interrupted by chris on the microphone*


*heather then turns back to courtney*

Heather: choose wisely.

(meanwhile at the docks)

Chris: alright campers, I hope you all know gymnastics, because this challenge some of you are gonna get hurt.

Courtney: wait, what?

Chris: ever heard of the show wipeout? todays challenge you will be running an extreme obstacle course. first person to complete the whole obstacle course and not fall in the shark infested water, wins invincibility.


~Shark infested water? Chris is insane for this.~

Duncan: chris you're fucking insane.

Chris: says the guy who escaped juvie multiple times.

*Duncan rolls his eyes and overhears Courtney chuckle a little bit, he bumps his shoulder into hers then wraps his arm around her, and turns to see scott staring him down.*


~Farm boy is going down.~

Chris: the challenge starts...NOW!

(time skip)

*The challenge starts with gwen at the start of the obstacle*

Chris: when you hear the whistle, that's your cue to go!

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