Episode Seventeen: Dance For Your Life Part 1

572 11 19

TW: Mentions of alcohol, s3x, violence

Chris: LAST TIME ON TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND WARS. Contestants had a karaoke party and 2 campers fought over our type-A c.i.t.

*shows clip from last episode*

*theme song plays*

In the girl's cabin

( courtney's laying in the bottom bunk, heather's sleeping in the top bunk and duncan is sleeping on the floor next to Courtney)

Courtney: Heath!

Heather: I was peacefully sleeping.

Courtney: Well, it's 11 in the morning and I don't want to sleep in too long.

Duncan: Princess...

Courtney: *jumps a little* You scared me half to death!

Duncan: Well I'm sorry but that pole up your butt is just really annoying.

~Confessionals: Courtney~

~I just wanted to get ready NOT to sleep in and feel disgusting~

Courtney: *jokingly* Shut up! But why were you sleeping on the floor?

Duncan: I can't sleep in the same room as Scott.

Heather: Wow. I thought that you weren't scared of anything.

Duncan: Shut up!

Courtney: Well I have to go.

Duncan: Woah. Where the fuck are you going?

Courtney: To the bathroom

Duncan: I'm coming with you.

Author's note: Duncan's overprotective ass

Courtney: No. I'm fine.

Duncan: Are you sure because-

Courtney: I SAID I'M FINE!

~Confessionals: Heather~

~The Courtney I just saw is not the Courtney I saw yesterday at that party. She really changed. I'm really worried.~

(courtney storms out of the cabin)

Heather: Wow.

In the bathroom

(courtney was doing her skincare routine when someone walked in)

Courtney: Duncan, I already told you I'm fine.

Scott: I'm not Duncan. Not even close.

Courtney: Scott. What the fuck.

Scott: Well...When I saw that Duncan wasn't in the boys cabin, I assume he slept with you.

Author's note: I know I'm writing Scott's character but I hate him right now

Courtney: We didn't do anything-

Scott: I wasn't finished. You were obviously drunk as fuck and that fact that he took advantage of you just *chuckles* proves my point.

Courtney: What is your point?

Scott: That he doesn't deserve you. *touches courtney's arm*

Courtney: *slaps him* What is wrong with you?

Scott: Me? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with that boyfriend of yours?

~Confessionals: Scott~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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