Episode Fifteen: Fight Night

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Chris: LAST TIME ON TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND WARS! The remaining campers had to dodge deadly obstacles on a course.
*shows clip from last episode*
*theme song plays*

(the girls cabin)

Heather: since gwens gone, i guess we can break this alliance...what's that?

*heather says as she points to courtney's gift from duncan*

Courtney: a gift duncan made for me, he's so sweet.

Heather: never thought i'd hear "duncan" and "sweet" in the same sentence.

*heather chuckled and sat next to courtney on her bed*

Heather: you really love him, huh.

*courtney places the wooden heart on the nightstand, and looks at heather with a smile*

Courtney: you know how some people have this one person who really connects with you? kinda like you and alejandro.

Heather: alejandro and i aren't dating!

Courtney: stop denying it, we all saw you kiss him when he got eliminated. anyway, i feel like duncan is mine. he's my soulmate.

Heather: well if bad boy ever THINKS about cheating on you again, he's dead meat.

*the girls laugh as they were interrupted by chris on the microphone*


(at the docks)

Chris: campers, lets get ready to rumble!

Heather: what?

*Chris signals chef to come over at the dock, he had a huge box filled with boxing gloves*

Chris: today's challenge, you will be boxing eachother! the winners who win their boxing match will have to fight eachother in the end. and the overwall winner will get this golden chris mclean boxing belt!

Heather: ugh, cringe.

Duncan: I call to box farm boy!

*Scott turns to duncan and glares him down, he then rolls his eyes and crosses his arms*


~If scott thinks he can beat me, he has another thing coming for him~


~Here's the plan, I "fight" juvenile, pretend he punched me hard and pretend to be unconscious, then courtney rushes up to me, dumps duncan and dates me instead~

Chris: so the first campers to fight eachother are... Heather and Courtney!

*heather and courtney both look at eachother with shocked faces*

Heather: this is insane, i am NOT fighting courtney!

Courtney: yeah, and i'm not fighting heather.

Scott: since when did you two become friends?

Heather: since your bobble head ass stopped manipulating me!

Chris: campers! no fighting. save it for the ring!

Heather: well i'm still not fighting courtney.

Chris: fine, i guess courtney can fight scott and you can fight duncan.

*courtney turns to scott with an evil grin on her face*


~well, plan failed.~

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