chapter 1

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Hi and welcome to the story of Izuku becoming the hero he always wanted to be. “KACHAAN, KACHAAN, GUESS WHAT”, screamed a little boy. This little boy was no older than 5. He had gorgeous fluffy green hair with one small piece that fell right in front of his eyes. His mom used to ask him if she wanted her to cut it but for some reason this young boy always says no. He has toxic dark green eyes that, though the amount of pain this boy has gone through already at his young age, still holds kindness and compassion for the ones in need. He is a little short for his age but that is to be expected from his family genetics. The boy he was talking to is Bakugo Katsuki also known as Kachaan. Bakugo has spiky ash blond hair that poofs up like a firework.He also has striking blood red eyes that hold malice and anger, but if you look hard enough you can see that those emotions are just masks that hide his true and honest emotions. After hearing his friend yell his name he of course turned toward him. “STOP YELLING WOULD YOU WE’RE IN PUBLIC”, Bakugo yelled back at him. This caused Izuku to stop for a second and look at Katsuki. He lifted his head up and tilted it slightly to the side giving him a puppy-like stare,”But Kachaan, you were yelling too”. At this statement Bakugo looked away flustered. “W-WHAT EVER, WHAT DO YOU NEED”. All of a sudden Izuku's face brightened,”I GOT MY QUIRK KACHAAN,I GOT IT”. Bakugos face lit up. They have been waiting for deku to gain his quirk for over a year now. He is a slight late bloomer thankfully, they were starting to be worried that he may have been quirkless. You may think it can't be that bad for we didn't have superpowers back then, but in this society the quirkless are treated like absolute trash. Most don't make it to 16 years of age without being killed or killing themselves. Bakugo ran up to Izuku and engulfed him in a hug.”I’m really happy, come on my mom would love to know this”. Izuku nodded and walked off with Kachaan holding his hand as they crossed the street.
The Backstory: It was my third birthday today and I was so excited. Mommy promised to go to the park with me and afterwards we would pick up daddy and head to Kachaans house. I slowly lowered myself off the top of my bed and went to the bathroom. There I showered, brushed my teeth and got dressed and ready for the day. It was around 6:30 so I didn’t expect my mom to be awake, and yet as I was walking down the stairs I saw my mom making my breakfast. It took her a minute to notice me but when she did she scooped me up into a hug and started kissing all over my face.”HAHAHAHAHAHAHA MAMA STOP IT TICKLESSSS”, I yelled trying to get away. Mom didn't and instead used her quirk to make me float so she can tickle me more. After that tickle fest she picked me up and set me on my booster seat at the table, then placing pancakes in front of me. I got so excited I forgot to add syrup and just ate them bland. Mama just laughed,”Izuku, sweetie do you want some more”. I nodded my head furiously causing her to giggle even more. After eating all of my breakfast we got everything in the car and started towards the Park. As we were driving Mama looked a little nervous but I regarded it as me misinterpreting her facial expression for excitement, and just went back to playing with my Eraserhead and All might figurines. It was a smooth ride from there to the park and once we got there I was met with a surprise.”DADDYYYY”, I screamed running into his outstretched arms, getting engulfed in a hug. It took mama a minute but she soon joined the hug, and we stayed like that for a while until daddy cleared his throat. “So little man I thought i’d surprise you early since it was your birthday that way you don't have to wait all day to see me,” he said pulling away from the hug. As he pulled away he grabbed me, placing me on his lap. He looked at me and ruffled my hair,”So little man, I got you a special present just for you”. I of course got excited, I mean its a present of course I was excited. Anyways he put his hand in his bag and pulled out an arm guard that looked like wind and fire flowing in a crisscrossing manor. I gasped,”Daddy it's so pretty but why do I need an arm guard”, I questioned, still awestruck by its beauty. He gave me a look, I swore I saw a look of sadness cross his face but if it was there it was soon replaced with a smile, so I just ignored it.”Well little dude, there are alot of bad people out there that may try to hurt you one day so now you have a form of protection.”, He said with a slightly disturbed face. Mama for some reason got mad at dad and hit his shoulder,”HISASHI, YOU SAID TOO MUCH”. Dad rubbed his shoulder and apologized before turning back to me. I didn't really pay attention to this exchange because I was thinking about who the bad people were, when I suddenly knew.” Daddy do you mean villains”, I said with a smile. He looked at me with sweet caring eyes. “Yes little man I mean the big bad villains so always keep it on you for protection” daddy said with a smile. Mama looked at me and started crying. I don't know what I did but mama fell to the ground in tears. Daddy ran over to her and hugged her, giving her comfort. After a while they had all calmed down and we started to play on the playground. During the duration of our time mama and daddy took turns playing heroes and watching our stuff. After a while mama called me and daddy over to the car so we could make it to Kachaans house in time for dinner. “MAMA I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE KACHAAN THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER”,I squealed. Mama laughed and daddy got into the car, and we started towards Kachaans house. (If only I had known what would happen next). As we were driving down the road I heard a very loud bang and glass shattered.”SHIT, HISASHI GRAB THE GUN”, mama yelled at daddy. He gave her an understanding nod and pushed his body through the sunroof and a bunch of loud bangs resonated through the car. I was so scared so I did what any normal child would do. Cry. I cried until for a second the bangs stopped. I felt a hand on my head and daddy gave me a grim look. “Hey, buddy listen, alright I promise me and mommy won’t let anything happen to you”, he said kissing the top of my head. I nodded and hugged his waist. Mama looked back at us and smiled, but then all of the sudden another loud bang and I heard mama yell. “SHIT, INKO ARE YOU ALRIGHT”, daddy yelled. Mama just moaned in reply. Dad got the scariest look of anger on his face I have ever seen. It didn’t look right on him.  Daddy leaned down and grabbed the gun that he had let rest by his side, and stood up on the sun roof and started shooting at the people who hurt mommy. I was scared so instead of going over to daddy I crawled to the front seat where mommy was driving. I leaned into her chest and instantly retracted myself. She was cold. So very cold. Looking at her I realized that she must have fallen asleep, because she wasn't moving and her eyes were closed. So I bent over her and started shaking her. “Mama, mama wake up. Daddy is shooting at the people who hit you and he’s yelling and if you dont wake up we’ll crash”, I said with tears rolling down my face. Mama wouldn’t wake up so I climbed on top of her and when I did I felt something wet on my pants. I looked down and screeched in horror. Blood that's what the dark stuff was. It wasn't her red shirt, it was blood. Now at this point I knew mama was dead. What I also knew is that we were starting to slowly go faster and I realized that if someone didn’t steer we were going to crash. I was scared. I had never driven before and I couldn't ask daddy for help because he was so blinded by rage he forgot that I was even here. It was just him and the people who hurt mommy in his eyes right now. So I took a deep breath and thought through what was going on. One thing I was known for is that even though I can still act my age, I am about as mature as a 14 year old kid. The summary of what I know at the moment is that mamas dead and i need to steer the car somewhere where we won't cause pain or death to other people if we crash. But I also knew on this side of town no matter what I did I would end up endangering someone's life at some point so I got that thought out of my head and thought about the best place to purposely crash the car. So many thoughts ran through my head that I couldn’t keep up but what I came up with is hero agency. Me being the hero nerd I am, I knew exactly which agency was the closest. The Eraser-Mic-Midnight-and loud cloud agency. So with all the strength I could muster I turned the wheel at the next left which would take us straight to the agency. Grabbing daddy's phone since it didn’t have a password on it I typed in the hero agency's number and waited till someone picked it up. “Hello, this is the Eraser midnight, mic cloud agency how can-” I instantly cut the operator off. “My name is Izuku Midoriya and someone just shot my mom, we are in a car. My daddy is shooting at the people chasing us and I can't stop the car so my car is headed at the agency you're at”, I said, trying to keep the steering wheel straight. I listened as the operator handed the phone to someone, and that someone started speaking. “Hey kid I need you to do me a big favor ok I need you to answer a couple questions. First how old are you” “I’m three” “Ok perfect, now may I ask can you read” ”Yes mama taught me and said that i’m super smart” “That's really cool bud now can you get to your father to give him the phone” “No sir im steering the car so we don't hit anyone” “wow your really mature for your age buddy, ok well by my agency there is a brick wall now it might seem scar-” “Ok do you want me to run into it” He paused for a second. “Yes, yes kid I need you to crash into it ok” Now you should be able to see this wall if i'm correct on my timing so just stay going at it and we’ll all be waiting for you ok bud. But I have to let you go ok so that I can help you when you get here ok.” “Ok”, and then they hung up. I put my attention back to the steering wheel. The wall was getting closer and I almost felt a wave of release when I heard a bang and a cry of pain. I turned to see my dad fall into the car holding the area between his shoulder and his heart. He was breathing heavily and when he looked up he froze and gasped. “OMG IZUKU ARE YOU OK I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT ABOUT YOU I'M SO SORRY PLEASE TELL ME YOUR OK”. Before I could reply I turned back to the road to make sure we were still on track and when I realized we weren’t I turned the steering wheel back and as I did that 6 loud bangs rounded through the area, and 6 different areas of my body just immediately burst into incredible pain. I screamed. I could just make out dad crying and going into the front seat and pushing mama's foot harder on the pedal to gain more speed. In a matter of seconds dad grabbed me and pulled me close as I slowly started to feel numb and then, we crashed. I heard all these people running around and yelling. I saw the people pull out daddy and mommy and put them in the ambulance to take them to the hospital but me. Apparently during the crash I had gotten pinned between the metal and the windows making it so I was slowly being crushed. I could feel myself slowly losing consciousness, when I saw a man in all black leap towards the car. He had a gray scarf and with him were 3 other heroes. Maybe if I wasn't so out of it I would have asked for an autograph. These were my favorite heroes after all. But alas I was almost dead anyways. They all worked to pull me out and once they did they handed me to Midnight who put me to sleep to help ease the pain. I don't remember anything past that……….until the hospital. The worst day and also the best day of my life.


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