Chapter 6

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The next morning was fast. I woke up at the ass crack of dawn and got dressed and then sat on my bed, waiting for everyone to wake up. Once everyone was awake Dad got me discharged and we all headed back to the house. Once we got to the house we had to unload and then reload once we were ready for the school day, and drive to school just to make it in time. Which leads us to where we are now.

I am at this moment running through the hallways trying to make it to class in time. I went to rut]n the corner that is right before my class when I ran into someone. I fell backwards onto my butt below this person's feet. What I didn’t expect was this person to be Endeavor. I immediately stood up and started to apologize when I noticed that My newest friend Shoto was there as well. ‘Huh, so Endeavor was talking to his son about something, I wonder what about’. I couldn’t dwell on it because before I could say anything, endeavor pushed me back down and laughed,”Ha so you're that pathetic student that is making it hard for my masterpiece to concentrate. I could always deal with you now but you look intriguing so i’ll let you go this one time. Now BEAT IT”. You’d think that I would get up and run immediately to class but instead I pulled out my secret sunglasses out of nowhere and Started to sing,”JUST BEAT IT, BEAT IT, BEAT IT”. Shoto looked amused at this but his dad not so much. He grabbed me by my neck and pulled me up to his eyesight,”SHUT UP BRAT, I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE. NOW DO SO BEFORE I BURN YOU TO A CRISP”. After he said that I smirked because I knew my ‘Sensei’ was right around the corner and heard all of this. Though Endeavor did not know this so I pissed him off and he raised his hand to hit me and at that moment everything went slow. Shoto raised his hand to freeze him so he wouldn’t hit me, while my dad ran in and punched him in the face. Everything started to go at the right pace suddenly because i'm now leaning against the wall, with shoto by my side. And my dad is facing Endeavor and glaring at him,”Touch my students again, especially the one who just got out of the hospital, again and I swear you will never see the light of day again.” Who would've thought that the great Endeavor was afraid of the Almighty Eraserhead, because after Dad said that he turned tail and ran. I started to laugh when I realized the Pale look on Shoto’s face as he stared at the now darkening hand shaped bruise on my neck. I grabbed the tie that was on my shirt and tied it around the bruise so it wasn;’t showing and looked towards dad. He gave me a small nod and pointed towards the teachers lounge and turned around towards the class. I then turned towards Shoto and pulled him into the teachers lounge to talk.

Once there I settled him on one of the bean bags and sat next to him.”Hey Shoto, don’t try to lie. I know he hits you, but I'm ok he didn’t hurt me”. He gave me an incredulous look before going back to his emotionless facade,”Yeah so what, it's not like we can do anything about it. I mean he’s the number 2 hero. No one will believe you.” I smirked at him and pulled his hand into mine,”That is where you're wrong because that whole thing was on videotape so now all we have to do is gather more evidence against him and by the end of the year you should be freed. Also I know this is all happening so fast but with your burn scar I had a slight suspicion that something was going on at home and with what happened back there and your reaction I was right.” He just looked down, not being able to deny the truth of the situation and just put his face into the bean bag. “Well what are we gonna do now”. I looked at him like he was stupid,”Um go back to class and act like nothing happened. Also I want you to stick with me so if he comes looking for you here he won't get you”. He just nodded and he headed towards the classroom. Me trailing behind him. Once we got to the class Dad opened the door and let Shoto in but blocked me,”Hey dad I belong in this class as well.” “Well you need to wait because it's gonna be a surprise to most of the class since they think you're still in a coma”. I just sighed and nodded,”Fine but I'm making a grand entrance”. Dad seemed amused by this idea and nodded,”sure just go all out ok”. I nodded with a smile and quickly jumped into the vents.  Since I was in the vents above the classroom I could hear my dad telling the kids about the surprise and announcing me to come out. That was my cue. I jumped from the ceiling glitter and fireworks going off in the background as I fell into the middle of the room. I was dressed in a very red and sparkly suit that shimmered in the fake light. A radio was playing the song “Guess who’s back, back again” on loop and once the smoke and glitter settled the class could see me in the center on a stool. I smiled at them all and pointed at them,”I'M BACK BITCHES”. Kachaan and Toshi were the first to come out of the shock and start laughing.''OMG IZU, HOW DID YOU DO THAT. THAT WAS GREAT OMG YES,”Kachaan said through his hysterical laughing. Shinsou laughed along with him,”OMG IZU THE SUIT, THE SUIT, IT'S PERFECT OMG YES JUST YES.” Shinsou and Kachaan continued to laugh, the class soon joining in. The laughing fit continued until dad finally cut it all off,”Well that was one way to make an entrance Mr. Midoriya but I need you to please sit in your seat and get this all cleaned up.” I just shrugged and snapped my fingers causing it to disappear into thin air. Instead of questioning me they all just shook their heads and headed to their desks. Now you may be wondering why they aren't asking so many questions. Well, I used a quirk I made a long time ago that allows me to suppress what I want as long as it isn’t physical. And suppressed their questions making it seem like they don't have any questions. Anyways the day went on as per usual I guess. Nothing interesting happened until heroic training. So let's just skip to then.

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