Chapter 12

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The rest of my internship wasn't very eventful. Just petty crimes such as robbery and bar fights are all I had to deal with. Dad has been looking for connections in the underground that may know what the initials on the note stand for, and everyone else has been making sure that I don't get into any trouble. I have been bored out of my mind. In fact it was today that I went out on a solo patrol that it finally got interesting, not in the best of ways.
I was walking down the road near the agency when I saw a man walk up to a girl and kiss her. She smiled and kissed him back, grabbed his hand and walked down the sidewalk. She only looked away from her partner when she walked past me. Like a switch went off she looked at me once again before approaching me. “Um hello sir, may I get your name”, She asked me, dragging her husband over to me. Not seeing a problem with it, I replied with my first name.”Oh well my name is Izuku, but my hero name is Sosthenes.” She nodded and smiled at this,”Hmm, such a lovely name, especially your hero name.” Her husband decided to pitch in,” It means Safety and strength if I'm correct, at least if it's a Greek name”. I perked up at this and nodded furiously.''YES, OMG NO ONE ELSE SEEMS TO UNDERSTAND THE NAM-...Oh i'm sorry i just got a bit excited”. They shook their heads,”There is no need to apologize, I find it quite comforting to know you're happy”. I was confused by her words but decided not to dwell on it. I ended up walking and talking with this couple for another couple of hours. For some reason they just made me happy and at ease, almost like a long lost friend. I loved their company until I had to leave. I stood up when I noticed that they werent gonna leave anytime soon,”I have had a lot of fun today. If you want to do this another time, I usually patrol around this time tomorrow since I'm on an internship, we can meet up.” The man that goes by Hatadashi and the woman that goes by Izumi both nodded and before I knew it the girl had me in a hug.”Ok but take care of yourself until we meet again, I don't want to lose you again.” This confused me. I haven't met her before, maybe I did when I was a little kid, that would explain the familiarity. Before I could do anything though she chopped me on the neck causing me to black out. But before I did all I could think was,”WHY CAN’T I CATCH A BREAK”.
Present Mic pov
I noticed that it was around 8 and Zu hadn’t come home yet. Which was strange but concerning all together especially with his knack for adding more on to his trauma everyday of the fucking week. Since none of my partners were home for work I decided to go find him.
It has been 2 hours now and I haven’t seen a single sight of him and I'm starting to get frantic. I called Nem, Obo, and Sho about an hour ago and they are all looking in different parts of the city for him. I was scared why wouldn’t I be. I mean my son is missing, he is being targeted by villains and could possibly be kidnapped. But I didn't even think about that until I saw his arm band on a bench with a note. I immediately ran over to it and opened it. The contents f it caused my to pale, it read

Whoever finds this it had better be his adoptive parents because I want y'all to know something. It was our son, our son and
you took him from us. For some reason that isn’t processing in your head. So at the beginning we tried to get him back peacefully,
well not really. We decided that we would attack the wonderful USJ and see how you guys feel about that. It was a simple
plan really. Go in take son and maybe kill allmight on the side, but our son didn’t want to come with us as kurogiri put it. We
made so many shots at taking him peacefully from you guys. But no more. He is our son not yours, ours. And he will remain 
that way. Thank you for taking care of him for the time being but your services are not needed any more. We will not hesitate to 
kill you if you try to get him back.

I couldn’t help the sob that tore out of me. It hurt unlike anything I have ever felt before,”WHY WHY HIM. ITS LIKE EVERY DAY HE HAS TO FUCKING GET HURT OR SOMETHING BAD FUCKING HAPPENS. I DON'T KNOW IF THERE IS A GOD UP THERE BUT IF THERE IS I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF WHEN I SEE YOU. I DON’T CARE WHAT SICK JOY YOU ARE GETTING OUT OF THIS BUT IT I THE MOST FUCKED UP THING I HAVE EVER SEEN. HASN’T HE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH. HE’S TIRED LEAVE US ALONE PLEASE”. I could hear my voice starting to crack by the time I was done. Apparently Nem heard me screaming and called the others to our location. I just want him to be happy, why can’t he be happy. I repeated this under my breath until I fell asleep in Sho’s arms.

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