Chapter 3

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It was a quiet calm day, which in this superhero society doesn't usually happen anymore. Well it was quiet all except the Eraser-Mic-Midnight-and loud cloud agency. There you could hear the sound of people yelling and running about. What are they doing? You may ask, well they are preparing for their boss' child Izuku's first day of school at the prestigious UA high. They all wanted to prepare something nice for him before he left to congratulate him. Now to our favorite little green haired character.

I woke up to a lot of noise going down stairs. This usually means that there was some kind of tragedy which means my parents are probably dealing with that so I’m not expecting them to be here to take me to school. Knowing that information I decided I should probably get out of bed and get dressed so I'm not late for school. After getting dressed in the school uniform I stepped out of my room into a hallway and passed a small glance at my parents room before turning away and getting dressed. I love my parents and everything but a lot of the time they're not here. Though when they are here they always make sure I'm happy. Shaking that thought from my mind I ran into our kitchen and grabbed a banana , just something to get me through the day, and ran out the door. Since we live on top of our agency I had to run down about 3 stories worth of stairs but when I made it down to the bottom of the stairs the door into the lobby was closed. Usually when I'm still in the house my parents will leave it propped. I just shrugged this off and slowly opened the door. Instantly the sun's rays that were coming through the many windows in the lobby, seeped through the door. Hitting me with an overwhelming amount of light, I shut my eyes and slowly reopened them to……a party. I was confused. There are streamers and confetti strewn everywhere. Once I took in everything I accidentally knocked over a potted plant by thIe door. This got everyone's attention,”Ummmmm… sooooooo is it someone's birthday that I don't remember.Oh wait DID WE FINALLY SURPASS ALLMIGHTS AGENCY”. This is all I could think of. They all seemed to deflate at that, when Mikato(our secretary) walked up to me and hit me right upside the head.”OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR”, I shouted, rubbing the area she hit. She just kinda shook her head in disbelief,”1.You always remember birthdays why would you forget one now.2.when do you think we’ll ever surpass HIS agency.3. Are you so stupid you thought we wouldn’t celebrate your first day of UA.” I wanted to reply with a comeback but the words laid still on my tongue. Instead of replying back I just shook my head chuckling a bit at the stupidity of myself. They throw a party for me, for the smallest things. They threw me a party when I lost my first tooth. Why wouldn’t they throw a party for one of my greatest achievements? I just looked up at Mikato and smiled,”well Thank all of you for this amazing party, I deeply appreciate this.” For some reason once I said those words they all started to cry, shout, and cheer. Instead of dwelling on this fact I smiled towards them one more time and ran out the lobby doors into the big world.

As I was walking down the street a couple blocks from UA I heard a lot of yelling that strangely sounded a lot like my father. I turned around just in time to jump out of the way of my father, who was running at me at insane speeds.”Izuku, Izuku -deep breathing-, wait up”. I laughed at his pain and politely used an energizing quirk to replenish his body.”hahaha thanks kid, I needed that.” Chuckling I replied to him with a smile,”Yeah I could tell, Though with that speed you have there I might have mistaken you for Uncle Tensei.” He just smiled and suddenly gave me a big hug.”Hey father, what was that for, is something wrong” I pulled away and gave him a look of concern. His face contorted into a pout,”What, I can't hug my son anymore”. Me being me I wanted to mess with him a bit,”No, no you can’t.” I watched as his face slowly contorted into a look of horror, then he used a portal to teleport me into his arms. I was then carried all the way to UA, with my father shouting all the way there about ‘YOU CAN”T ROB ME OF MY HUGS’. Well at least I didn’t have to walk the rest of the way. Once we arrived at UA I was surprised at the sight before me. All my parents were waiting outside for me. Father shouted out a greeting to them and went to join them. I was still standing in front of the gates happy but confused. I stood like this for about a minute until I was brought out of my head by my parents calling my name. They looked back at me with a small smile,”What you think we wouldn’t see you on your first day of school”, Mom said with a smile. I would be lying if I said I didn’t cry a little bit. In excitement I threw myself into their arms, tears streaming down my face. It took a few minutes until I finally pulled away and made my way into the building. Yes I knew I would make it into this school but it's still a great opportunity. Since I know this place like the back of my hand I make my way to the 1A classroom aka my dads classroom. As soon as I walked in I only expected Kachaan and Toshi but what I walked into I will forever laugh about and cherish this moment. Kachaan was being reprimanded by a kid with blue hair and Toshi was in the corner with his head down and headphones on, trying to black out a kid with yellow hair. They didn’t even notice my presence, which I thought was weird. Aren’t they training to be heroes, they should at least know how to detect someone's presence. Instead of diving into that, I decided to laugh out loud to get their attention. Kachaan and Toshi looked up at me with a smirk while the dude with blue hair came up to me.”Hello fellow classmate my name is Tenya Iida, I hope to have a fulfilling year with you”. He looked so stiff and he kept doing this weird thing with his hands. Before I could reply back Kachaan decided to speak,”HA, YOU LOOK LIKE A PRETENTIOUS ASSHOLE. YOU RICH ARE YOU, BET YOU WENT TO SOME HIGH END RICH KIDS SCHOOL. I BET YOU THINK YOUR BETTER THAN EVERYONE BUT I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL, IZU HERE IS THE STRONGEST ONE HEAR.” The blue haired boy which I now know as Iida gasped,”What vulgar language and disrespect. I would never think I'm better than anyone”. I almost laughed at him. His expression was hilarious. Though I covered it with a cough. By the time that ended the classroom became full of students talking and introducing themselves. Toshi who was in the corner is now sitting by me and Kachaan at the front. Having endured dads training, we knew not to be loud and just wait for him to get there unless we wanted to suffer something more terrible than hell. Though we could have warned the other kids we decided to let them learn the hard way. A few minutes later I couldn’t contain myself at what I saw. Dad was in his sleeping bag in the doorway just staring at everyone. At my outburst of laughter, the first to react was Kachaan and Toshi, who after seeing him also broke out into laughter. The other students got curious at this and when they followed the path of our gaze, they all got curious and started whispering among themselves. The annoyed look that fell upon my dads face just made me laugh harder.”OMG DA- SENSEI WHAT IS THAT LOOK.” He glared at me and proceeded to remove himself from his sleeping bag. Kachaan and Toshi did their best in concealing their laughter at this action but Tishi couldn’t help from commenting,”Ha look the butterfly has emerged.” This set everyone off. Though sadly it seems that Dad wasn't in the mood after this. Grouch. “The pomeranian, Broccoli, and Purple cat get to do some demonstrations for us since they like to joke around.” Kachaan and Toshis face dropped at this but I just shrugged,”ok sounds fun, i'm bored anyways.” Dad sighed,”Why would I think this would affect you? Ok whatever just do what you want, the rest of you insects put these uniforms on and get outside.” No one moved so I decided to help dad out. I made a quirk that would give them a small shock and this sent everyone running out of the room. I turned to dad with a smile across my face,”Seems like I have more control over them than you do”. Dad scowled at this,”Yeah well I'm sorry I don't have a quirk that's OP.” I just laughed and walked out into the training area. Once I got out there, no one was out there. Maybe it's because I didn’t change but still, it shouldn’t take them this long to get dressed. Finally they all arrived a few minutes later. I made a chair using one of the quirks I made a couple months ago and sat down writing notes about them. They all did to put it nicely, let's just say they need improvement. When they finished all their tests dad showed them all their scores. “Ok so this is where you all stand power wise at the moment. Now I'm gonna have Mr. Midoriya here to explain how you could improve. I looked up at this and flipped to the first page.”Ok, so to start Denki Kaminari. You rely too much on your quirk, That it's making you weak. You need to-”. Before I could finish that sentence he cut me off angrily. “Why should I listen to you? We all tried hard to get here and pass this test yet you just sat there doing nothing. I think you should shut up and take the test before you judge me for my performance.” I Raised my hand to stop Toshi and Kachaan from strangling them.”Ok Kaminari, what part of the test should I do? Tell me and i'll complete whatever you choose.” He thought about it for a second and snapped his fingers and pointed towards me.”I want you to do the ball throw, this will show your physical prowess better than the other tests.” I just nodded and grabbed the ball from my dad. I stepped into the circle and threw it using a strength enhancing quirk. I looked back at the meter and saw that I got 1208 meters. Not bad. I looked over to dad and he looked mad,”Midoriya, actually use at least 30 percent of your power. The smug look that kaminari received after my performance on the ball throw instantly dropped. “Uuuuuughhhhhh ok fine. You might want to back up for this one. "With that being said I got the ball and threw it using another strength enhancer combined with a quirk called power surge and a quirk called push. With this my ball went about 82 miles according to the device. Instead of explaining to the kids their improvements needed I just threw my notebook at Kaminari with enough force to make him fall on the floor. If you were a bystander you would see me looming over his fallen figure. My face was casted in a shadow with just my eyes shining bright green due to a quirk I activated for dramatic effect. I looked at Kaminaris trembling figure and smirked. “Well now you know why I didn't participate. And don't think I was born with this power. Yes I have a strong quirk that you are not allowed to know of just yet, but i've worked damn hard to be where im at. Heck I'm stronger than most pros at this point. But unlike you I worked for it. So instead of just sitting there listening to me talk, stand up, man up and learn your place.” I turned and started towards the door but froze for a second,”Also just because of what I said doesn’t mean I don’t want to befriend you.” And with that I walked out the door, leaving them to stare at my retreating figure. From then on I noticed people in my class seemed to gravitate towards me and my ‘Bros’. As the week went by I slowly started to make friends with the students in my class. In fact it seems that the class has established 2 squads around me, and Kachaan. The people being nice to me and being open about themselves makes me happy, because my whole life I've only ever had my few supporters. I could tell that Dad was ecstatic about me having friends, but it was killing him to have me call him sensei. Me and dad decided for the safety of everyone and ourselves we would keep our relationship secret. This applies to me and any of my parents. Even everyday, if we got out I have to have a fake hero suit making them think i'm a hero in my parents agency. This works out so even when I go out on patrols with them for experience they don’t think anything of it. Anyways i'm rambling again, but dad announced earlier in the week that When we come back from the weekend we will be attending a field trip to the USJ. Everyone in the class continues to talk about it even to this day. I’m excited as well, but that sunday night I was at Kachaan’s house attending a sleepover with Toshi trying to sleep but my instinct quirk was screaming at me. I don't know what was going on but I just shook it off and forced myself to sleep with an exhaustion quirk. Oh how I would regret that in the morning.


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