chapter 9

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I was sitting on Kachaans shoulders with Denki in the front and sho in the back. This made everything perfect for both offense and defense. Sho would defend us from the back if we needed him to, he also had good fire control so he is good for offense too. Kachaan is there to support Denki and defend us if he short circuits. Denki is there so he can release his electricity in small currents to keep people away from us. Within the vicinity of 3 meters if you walked inside it you would get zapped. And for me, well I will use one of my old quirks, Condense to make the air around us hard as extra protection. Especially since I have all the headbands. Oh wait, I didn't mention that part. Yeah well we decided that if I wear them but use the quirk cloak to make them look like one big necklace, we have a better chance of passing this round. Especially since we have the strongest teams in terms of manpower, defense, and points.

(Ok, so to explain. Deku has approximately 21 quirks. I'm going to list all of them one by one including their drawbacks. If you want to skip this then skip this but these are his quirks. To start with the ones you know the most about.

I could secrete a screen of any kind of gas I want. Though for drawbacks the more dangerous the gas the harder it is to form. If I use it too much then my quirk will start using my body and turning that into the gas I'm trying to produce. Before I get to that point though my body starts to go numb as a warning. It also takes 2 hours to recover the part of the body that disintegrated and it hurts almost as bad as childbirth. Yeah I found that out the hard way.

With this quirk I can stop or delay any one specific thing for a certain amount of time. So like at school my brain subconsciously triggered the bell to stop until I got there, so I wouldn't be late. Anyways I can delay anything for up to 10 seconds and stop anything for 1 second. Now this may not seem long but in a fight it can mean life or death so I definitely liked this quirk. For drawbacks I get a killer headache that comes in waves every 2 minutes. Also when time delays even if I can move, so can my opponent. All it does is delay them from what they are doing. So if they tried to delay a punch all it would do is make the thought he had about punching me come at a slower pace so it takes them longer to think of their next move and how to proceed with it. I can also get whiplash if I stop time because everything comes back at full force, so if I stopped time it could help me but it can also hurt me. Other than that it's pretty good. Oh my bad also if i'm not careful it can blind me permanently. Don't know how that works but it almost happened to me.

Basically in this one I can take any animal sense and use it. So like if I wanted to hear then I could think of a dog's sense of hearing and my ears will improve its ability to listen. Also whatever animal I'm using I get that kind of eye. So if I used a goat for something my eyes would look like a goat. This is a fun quirk so of course it has "fun" drawbacks. Firstly, I'm very sensitive. If I have improved hearing then loud noises hurt like hell. Also even if I deactivate my quirk, my eyes stay the same as it was during the activation for the next 72 hours.

Once you activate this I can summon a pharaoh from the 6 pharaoh stories.(Let me explain that this is not a real story, just one I made up. In this story there are 6 pharaohs that all serve a certain purpose. They all represent a specific power and lifestyle. Pharaoh 6 is the calm lifestyle and it controls the emotions and thoughts of other people. This is exceedingly dangerous because he can make you go from happy go lucky and then all the sudden make you kill yourself. Or make you hate someone you love. Pharaoh 5 is a stressful lifestyle. He can control the pain you feel. This may not seem dangerous but both physical and emotional pain can be amplified to instantly kill you. He can also brainwash people into hating everything including themselves. This may seem like something Pharaoh 6 would do but no. Pharoah 5 can only cause harm, pain, and stress. Pharoah 4 is the nature based and more natural lifestyle. He has a nice calm demeanor and a kind heart. Though he has the power called restore. Whenever he touches something he can restore it into a time where it was most happy and functional. He uses this power to make the plants and animals healthy and happy. This may not seem dangerous but every power has a bad side. His is the fact that he can restore something to before it was even alive making it so that they will never be born or become alive again. Now the top three pharaohs are the most deadly. They are in command of the entire universe, you could say. If the pharaoh tells another Pharaoh below them to do something, then they have to do it. Now onto Pharoah 3. Pharoah 3 is an active lifestyle. This Pharoah is the first girl of 2 out of all the Pharaohs. She is known to be very built but in a more elegant way. Her power is the power of Endurance. She has unlimited endurance because when she gets low she can steal someone else’s endurance. This is why she is at the top. She can steal her opponents' endurance and continue on until they collapse. What also makes her so dangerous is the fact that she can steal all of your endurance, including your life endurance. To explain, everyone's life focuses on endurance. How long you last in life is how long your endurance is. Well she can steal that, instantly killing you. She is in the 3rd spot for a reason. Next is Pharoah 2. He represents a more uptight scholar lifestyle. This lifestyle is very hard to upkeep for normal humans but that is the only reason he exists. His power is called Infinite Wisdom. This may seem like some analyzation quirk but no. No one can attain this power unless you yourself have control over the Pharaohs. This power allows him to hold the wisdom of the universe. He can even solve the centuries old question: What came first, the chicken or the egg?  Anyways he knows EVERYTHING but he doesn’t just have it all in his head. He has books that he writes in that allow him to get all the information out of his head. This allows him to get a break from all of the overflowing information that is constantly entering his head. Though he doesn’t have to read these books to get the information he needs, all he has to do is review the situation and all the information that he needs to complete or resolve the situation will come to him. He is the second most dangerous of all the Pharaohs for good reason, as you guys can see. The strongest Pharaoh, Pharaoh 1, is the strongest for good reason. She is the second girl of all the Pharaohs and the strongest. She represents the artistic lifestyle. Now, this may not seem like a strong lifestyle. You'll think twice once you understand your power. Her power is called a living artist. Basically, whatever she draws becomes true. SO if she drew your death in a certain way, you would die in that way. If she drew an army, an army would spring into life. Everything and anything she draws will come true. This is why she is the top Pharoah.) The drawbacks I don't really know yet because I know that with a dangerous power comes dangerous drawbacks. And believe it or not I like living.

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