Chapter 8

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"COME ON IZUKU YOU CAN'T BE LATE TO THIS MAN. LETS GO". Since like three in the morning a certain Pikachu has been freaking out about the festival. And we are now on our way to the sports festival at 7 IN THE MORNING, WHEN IT STARTS AT 11. Of course you have to warm up and all but it shouldn't take this long to warm up. Like an idiot. Anyways we finally make it to the festival and notice that people are already waiting in line just to watch. If you looked up you could see the true height of the arena and it was insane. It's amazing how they did this in one night. Though apparently I was just standing there looking at the arena in aw, because kachaan pushed past me and purposely bumped into my shoulder. When I looked at him with a glare he sneered,"stupid deku stop daydreaming and let's go". Before either could even reply u was being carried away by a certain dual haired boy. Now this confused me just a bit because there is no way he would be so bold. Apparently he can read minds because once he saw my face he responded to my thoughts in a monotone voice,"Bakugo told me to". I could feel my face start to burn red. Kachaan was trying to set me up(yes he's gay if you couldn't tell from the other chapters. Deal with it. Also he used to have a thing for Bakugo but for some reason it has slowly diminished and now he realizes that he only thought of him as a brother. He now knows that it is Todoroki that he likes.) Thinking that way I pushed my head into his chest to hide my blush. I don't know how todoroki felt about this but he didn't push me away so that's a good sign. Now after a few minutes we found the waiting room for class 1-A and went into there. Surprisingly most of the class was already there. Apparently they all got here early to get time to rest and calm their nerves. It took forever for the thing to start but about 30 minutes before the start I went into the hallway so I could grab some water when I saw "my favorite people in the world", note the sarcasm. For some ungodly reason Endeavor and Allmight were in the hallway, and because I was nosy I hid behind the corner so they wouldn't know I'm there. What I heard will forever make me hate them.


E-im waiting for my son to come meet me so that I can force him to never see that green haired boy again.

A-ah you mean that mudoriya boy. I agree with you that he looks like a villain. He even acts like one and the worst thing is the fact that he doesn't like me. I wonder why

E-yeah well I hate that boy. He's taking Shotos focus off of his training.

A-that is indeed a problem. We'll why don't we sabotage his performance

E- what

A-if we sabotage his performance then he can't win. Heck he would probably drop out of school in shame.

E-for once you made a smart decision let's do it. And then you get rid of the villain in training and I'll get my son back

This pissed me off. First of all because of a scar I'm all of the sudden a villain and they are just gonna sell off a boy to training without his permission. This wasn't right thankfully I recorded everything making this all 100 times easier. Though that didn't make me feel any better, I was furious. They underestimate me and this will be the last time they do that. I took the recording and gave it to papa and went to join the rest of the class, and yes I did inform Shoto and he agreed with me we will both do our best to win out of spite. This will be an interesting day.

Finally we were all in the arena waiting for the proctor to stop talking. The proctor being my mom and her godforsaken hero suit. "And finally for the 1st year representative we have my s- I mean the top student everyone give it up for IZUKU MIDORIYA." I really want to murder someone right now. Why didn't anyone tell me that the top student has to give a speech at the sports festival. Aaaaahhhhhhh this is so annoying. I slowly and begrudgingly walk up to the mic,"ok well to be honest no one told me I would have to speak but ok. Um well I just want everyone to know that the only reason you're here is yourself. Not your parents, not you grandma and definitely not the random stripper you said hi to on the street". The people in the audience laughed at that and it gave me a little more confidence. "you worked for it, not them you. Though just because you got to where you wanted to be doesn't mean you have to quit. You have to keep going and working for a brighter future. If not for the people around you than for yourself. So I guess go PLUS ULTRA". At the end people joined me in the signature chant of UA. It was nice. I then quickly shuffled off of the podium and blended back into the crowd. The teachers after everything settled down,set up the obstacle course because apparently we're doing that. Though once the tunnel that would lead to it was done that is when I realized that there was an actual purpose for it. It was the first obstacle. I turned to let Shoto know but before I could find him the buzzer to start went off. There are technically 2 ways to get through the tunnel. Wait for everyone or get there first. At Least that's what everyone else would think. Mr though I saw an opportunity with my levitation quirk. So of course I took my way. I used my levitation quirk to fly up and over the arena into the actual obstacle course. Of course I could always float to the end but what's the fun in that. After using that quirk I decided to not use any more quirks this round. Once we got upon the robots I kinda just walked through. Apparently they were blind because I didn't make a sound and just walked passed. It was kinda funny to be honest. The next obstacle though I could see Shoto ahead of me halfway through. He just made a bridge of ice and melted it behind him so people wouldn't follow. Though once again I literally just walked. Since my dad is an underground hero I'm used to balance training and this was actually pretty easy. At least it was the first. About 5 feet out from land I saw a thing of wind heading towards me. I was wondering when Ass might would strike but I guess now is better than later.  Instantly jumped forward, using the pressure of the wind to propel my jump allowing me to clear this obstacle. I looked back and I could faintly hear someone shouting profanities. I cackled and walked towards the last obstacle. The last obstacle was a piece of cake. It was a mind field and honestly if you run fast enough then you can out run the explosions. Thankfully I'm fast enough. I ran and ran and ran until I passed Shoto and Kachaan who I could hear trying to catch up but it was too late. I ran Through the opening into the arena and immediately an up roar of happiness and support erupted everywhere it felt good honestly. I have to feel like this ever I don't believe. It's like a feeling of actual happiness, of accomplishment. I looked around in awe at all the people in the stands who were cheering for me and just basked in it. After a few seconds of this I went over to Kachaan and Sho who were arguing over something. Once I got to them I couldn't help but laugh. They were arguing about who got second place, so I punched them both in the head, effectively shutting them up. They both looked at me clutching their heads and I could see the fake betrayal on their faces,"stop fighting. You both tied for second so let's just shake hands and be friends." As I said this those idiots looked at each other harshly before turning away roughly. Kachaan left to go get a snack and so me and sho were left alone to go back to the waiting room. Once we got there my face blew up red. No one was there. Well this is awkward. Not wanting to make a scene I slammed my face into the wall so that my face would look red because of that. "OH MY GOD IZUKU ARE YOU OK",Who yelled freaking out. I laughed and just looked up at him,"yep I'm fine just tripped." He seemed to take that as an answer and helped me up, and we sat on the old couch in the corner of the room. Me and him sat in silence for a couple of minutes until Denki burst in and hid behind the couch. Before I could ask what happened, Shinsou burst in with a red face full of anger. He looked at us and took a deep breath,"ok do you know where denki went. That asshole put pink hair dye in the shampoo bottle yesterday and I JUST NOW NOTICED. ALSO WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT MY HAIR WAS PINK." I didn't even notice until now that his hair is a pink violet color. I didn't even get to answer him because I started laughing and couldn't stop, thankfully Sho covered for Denki. "That was actually supposed to be for Bakugo. He must have mixed it up. Also no I don't know where he is." Hitoshi just huffed and kept looking. Once he left the room Denki came out and started to worship us,"LORD BLESS YOUR SOULS YOU SAVED ME, I AM FOREVER IN YOUR DEBT." We knew he was joking and just wanted to know if we wanted anything in return, so instead of replying I just walked out to the food stands. For some reason they both followed me like lost puppies but who cares that's their problem not mine. Once we got to the only food stand with pickles, because that is all I wanted, we got in line and got the snacks we each wanted. I paid for both of them and we all decided to go wait in the arena for the next exercise of the festival. It took about 30 minutes for this to start and within that time Kachaan and Hitoshi joined us in the arena and we decided to play a game of chess and of course I won. Though once we finished mom started to announce the new exercise of the tournament. It was a cavalry battle and now I have 1 million points to protect but everyone is going to be going after me. This is honestly annoying but I can’t say too much or they'll think I want to forfeit. WHY IS LIFE SO MEAN AND HARD TO DEAL WITH. LIKE COME ON MAN CAN’T I LIVE A NORMAL LIFE. Instead of saying that out loud I decided that the best course of action would be to just sigh and find who wants to join me. And just as predicted everyone avoided me. Oh except for Denki, Sho, and Kachaan. Hitoshi was going for another team. With me situated on their shoulders I waited for the buzzer to go off signaling to start. This was gonna be fun.


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