Chapter 11

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I was walking through the school hallways on my way back from the week break that the school got for all the students to recover from the festival. Everywhere I looked I saw the whispers and disgusted looks that were thrown my way and what else do you expect. You save people by being there for them but you show one flaw and suddenly they can’t be around you anymore. This is why I hid my scar from them all. Everyone except 1-A because they had been there when it happened, they understood and accepted me even after the scar and I will forever be grateful for that. If only everyone else was like that. Before I could look to the ground to keep myself from meeting their eyes. Papa, Mom, Father/Pops/Pa, and Dad walked up to me and gave me an encouraging look. I smiled and kept walking. They think I didn’t see how Papa had a knife, mom had her whip out swaying by her side threateningly, Pops used his quirk to make it seem almost darker, and Dad was using his quirk to seem intimidating. I know I shouldn’t feel so nervous especially with my personality but that shy submissive kid I used to be never fully went away. By the time I got to the Classroom the entire class was already there, and in their seats ready for the lesson. Giving them all a secret hug and kiss goodbye I walked into the classroom and blended in quickly with my group of people.

Timeskip later that day

“Ok but hear me out, in the movie with the weird green guy who hates christmas and definitely has a thing for the hot lady, you know that scene where he eats glass, wellyou can’t tell me that the way he ate the glass, that it didn’t look DeliCioUs”, denki said emphasizing delicious. I of course agreed with him wholeheartedly and we proceeded to talk about how good it looked and how to make it into candy. Sho just seemed confused, while Toshi just kept groaning and sighing through this entire conversation. Sadly though Kachaan knows my and Kami all too well and decided to stop this conversation. “NO YOU IDIOTS, DON’T EAT GLASS, PLEASE DON'T EAT GLASS. I DON'T CARE HOW GOOD IT LOOKS, DON'T. EAT. GLASS.” I couldn't help but laugh at this and me and Kami proceeded to fight him on the fact that he was wrong and that eating glass could be good. “Ok Kachaan but listen, according to Poogle it says that in terms of nutrition, glass is a great source of silicon, which is an essential trace element that plays a vital role in the health of your bones, connective tissues, and skin. It is also known to improve the elasticity of your arteries, which can help to prevent heart disease.” He literally threw his head to the desk multiple times making me and Kami laugh even more. Though Kami stopped when he found something else on his phone,” Oh Kat look at this on this website called all about glass it says that glass helps preserve the contents' nutritional value by acting as a natural barrier against potentially harmful bacteria.” Kachaan proceed to slam his head into the desk just a little harder this time.”HUHHHHHHHHHHH HEY DUMBASS THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT HOW GLASS CONTAINERS ARE GOOD FOR PRESERVING FOOD PRODUCTS, NOT HOW IT IS GOOD FOR PEOPLE.” I proceeded to laugh even harder this time Toshi joined in as well. I'm pretty sure the class is concerned for our sanity just because of this conversation. Luckily for them Dad walked in and started talking.”Ok you maggots lets get this done and over with. As you guys probably know every year after the sports festival the hero students gp threw internships with a hero to get experience in the field and actual experience. Now seeing how you have all already been through a villain attack and some of you have been injured with life threatening injuries”, he said this looking at me and instead of just shrugging like a normal person I smirked stood up and bowed to the whole class before proceeding to my seat once more,”Anyways, we decided that instead of cutting them at 1 week we will let you all do it for 2 weeks but after 1 week if you don’t want to do it anymore you may leave and go home until the final week is over. Though I recommend not doing that unless you want to be expelled”. The class already knowing from experience just nodded and waited for him to pass out the forms with each nomination of who wants who. Everyone got at least 3 votes and nominations to intern at someone's agency, the top amount’s being for me, Uraraka, Kami, Toshi, Sho, and Kachaan. Toshi got 67 nominations, Kami got 47, Urakraka got 29, Kachaan got 89, Sho got 89 as well, and I of course got the most at 94 nominations. Of course for the rest of the class I sat there rubbing it in their faces just to annoy them.

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