Chapter 5

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I stirred awake due to the sounds of what I believe to be a heart monitor beeping in my ear. I opened my eyes to a blinding light flooding my senses. Slowly I shuffled myself into a sitting position to take in more of my surroundings. Once up, I became aware that there were people laying on me, next to me, and to the side of me. I smiled once I realized who it was. With a smile I decided to surprise them,"Well this feels familiar". At this they slowly started to wake up and as i like to call it,'come back from the underworld'. Dad was the first to come to and once he saw my smiling face his face had tears streaming down his face. "I- Izuku, you're awake". Before I could reply He flung himself onto me. I was shocked because I actually felt tears fall onto my shirt. Though sadly I sucked at dealing with emotions so I just kinda patted his back,"H- hey, dad come on it's not like I died." At this he pulled away and glared at me. "Yeah well you damn sure tried many damn times". This confused me,"well wait a minute what do you mean how long have I been asleep". This time a different voice answered. "Well you have been asleep for about a month and a half and you almost died everyday until this week." The person speaking was Papa. He also had tears in his eyes as well as Mom and Father who were standing behind him. After they said this they all gathered around me and pulled me into a hug. I wanted to continue this discussion but realized that this hug felt great and we stayed this way until Hikomay-san walked in. "Well his vitals look good but I wouldn't keep your hopes up. The chance of him coming out of this is slim and he-". She cut herself off once she finally looked up from her clipboard and gasped."Omg Izuku your ok I ca-, ahem, sorry that was unprofessional of me". I was going to tell her it was ok but instead I watched as Mom walked over to her and pulled toward the bed, throwing her into the hug as well. We stayed like this for a while until finally I decided to break the silence."Ok sooooo are we just gonna ignore the fact that i've almost died like 30 times." This seemed to piss off mom as she wacked me in the head, causing me and her to get into an argument. This back and forth banter kept on until the door to the room slammed open and there stood Kachaan and Toshi. I looked at them with a smile and waved,"Hey guys I didn't die". It seemed like they were frozen in place, all except the tears that started to fall down their faces. Before I could even take another breath they were in my arms sobbing into my shirt.''Hey, hey, hey it's alright I would never die I promised you a long time ago right?." They didn't respond and just kept crying. My parents and Hikomay all left to give us some peace and quiet, leaving the room to be completely silent. The only thing filling that silence was their sobs that echoed through the room. It took a while of me saying comforting words to them, for them to finally sit up and talk.'' this is slightly awkward but can you guys please say something. It's slightly awkward right now." Kachaan looked up at me and decided to punch me in the stomach. I jolted up as the pain shot through my body."HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR KACHAAN THAT HUR-''. I stopped and shouted out again when Toshi punched me in the stomach as well. I groaned and put my face into a pillow,"aaaagggghhhh, why do people keep punching me today." Kachaan glared at me threatening me to ask again and for my better judgment I decided not to. "Well haha um What do you guys wanna do cause I can tell i've been stuck in bed for ages and I would love to get up and exercise." As I was saying this I was getting out of bed and creeping towards the window on the left side of the room. Though sadly Toshi had other plans,"NO ARE YOU CRAZY YOU ALMOST DIED WHAT 20 TIMES NOW, NO YOU STAY HERE UNTIL YOU ARE BETTER AND ACCORDING TO THE DOCTOR IT WILL TAKE ABOUT 3 WEEKS SO STAY IN BED YOU IDIOT." I just sat down and laid my head down in defeat. It seems that my hell continues. As I thought this, a person I didn't expect to come through the door walked in with a grim face and flowers in his hand. Apparently he wasn't expecting me to be awake, cause when he looked up a look of pure shock and relief flashed across his face. I didn't know what to say so I just rubbed the back of my neck,"Um well, hi Denki it's been a little while hasn't it". Just like everyone else he flung himself onto me and started hugging me to death. "Jeez what's with people hugging me to death today." Denki laughed at that and pulled away, joining in on Kachaan and Toshi's conversation about the Sports festival. WAIT SPORTS FESTIVAL. "Wait a minute, WHEN'S THE SPORTS FESTIVAL", I shouted, lowering my voice towards the end as I remembered we were in a hospital. Kachaan looked at me and smirked,"wait sensei, told us that in class last week. If you were there you would know." I looked at his smug face and scoffed,"If I could I would have been there". He just scoffed and started scrolling on his phone.

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