Chapter 4

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It was monday and we were on the bus headed to the USJ. I was sitting next to Kaminari and Kachaan, with Toshi sitting across from me. I was leaning back against the seat trying to sleep when Tsuyu asked me a question. "Hey Midoriya, your quirk is eerily similar to All Might. I was wondering if you have any relation to him, maybe as a nephew or distant cousin." This is something I did not expect to come out of her mouth, it caught me by surprise and accidently burst out into laughter. "Well I wasn't expecting that. But no, no I'm not related to that Big oaf at all. My quirk isn't even close to his at all but I can't tell you what it is just yet." I noticed how everyone on the bus seemed to deflate and that made me chuckle.'So they were hoping I'd spill what my quirk is, well too bad for them, I won't make a mistake like that so easily. Afterall I am one of the strongest people in Japan and possibly the World as well as one of the smartest.' After that exchange, Toshi and Kachaan hung out and talked while everyone else was absorbed into their own conversations. After about 45 Minutes we finally arrived. Once everyone was excited I looked up to the monster facility in front of me. I remember Uncle Nezu had me help plan the layouts of this place but obviously he added his own spin on things. Either way this was amazing. Everyone else seemed to think so as well because once their eyes laid upon it their jaws dropped. Before I would drag my stare back to dad, Kachaan purposely hit my shoulder causing me to look at him. "Well damn Izu, you designed most of this, that's impressive." He didn't say that very quietly so of course Denki just had to have heard and blurted it out to everyone."WAIT A MINUTE YOU DESIGNED THIS PLACE. HOW DID YOU MANAGE THAT." This of course got the whole class's attention and they started questioning me. In a last ditch effort before freaking out I threw a glance towards dad and he nodded."Ok insects back up before I expel each one of you." With his hair and glowing eyes that seemed to do the trick because everyone retreated away from me allowing me to take a deep breath. Even if I was finally coming to terms with my past doesn't mean I didn't come out with mental scars as well as physical ones. It's just that I can hide the physical scars with a quirk so no one sees them but you can't really hide mental ones. Thanks to the accident I have an issue with mainly loss, abandonment, and small spaces. This may not seem extreme but for someone who goes through it it's a lot. Anyways back to the story. Once I zoned back into the conversation I saw the pro hero Thirteen talking to dad and suddenly they held up 3 fingers. My eyes narrowed at this and when I looked over to my "other halves" they seemed to understand as well. All might was being dumb and was not able to attend this training session due to using up too much time being heroic. We could only hope that nothing bad happens during our time here. Though my instinct quirk was going crazy but I just shrugged it off again. Oh how i'll wish I didn't do that.

Finally after the long explanation of what we're doing we walked into the facility and I instantly realized something seemed off. Before I could even warn dad a purple portal opened up behind dad and spoke,"Well it seems that the symbol of peace isn't here. Could you be oh so kind as to call him here. While you're doing that i'll just-". He seemed to cut himself off once he saw me. He had no expression that I could see due to him being made of smoke, but he almost seemed surprised. "No it can't be. Boss said you died. I- no it's not you that boy is dead what am I thinking. Anyways let's separate you guys shall we". He said this with a conflicted look on his face. I just looked at him confused until we all got teleported. For some reason I was teleported down by dad. I ran to his side, taking out a few villains on the way.Once I finally reached him I called his name,"Dad, i'll get the main villains, can you get the small time ones?" He looked conflicted but knew he shouldn't argue with me because I was right. He put his head down and after a few seconds lifted it back up with a determined look,"ok but come back alive please". With a nod I sprang past him towards the Hand covered dude. As I was about within 2 meters I jumped at him, my fist raised to punch him. He obviously saw this and jumped back. This distribution of hand to hand combat like this continued on for a couple of minutes, each second making it harder for him to keep up. Finally he kicked me with his leg pushing me away. In retaliation I used a quirk called pull allowing me to drag him back towards me. What I didn't take into consideration during this move was to use my quirk 'analysi' to see what quirk he had. As he was pulled towards me he pushed his hand out towards me until it touched my face. Before I could move away I suddenly felt a searing pain across my face. Acting quickly I jumped away until I had plenty of space between me and him. I used analysis to analyze my body and see what was wrong. I had a few broken bones but my face was decayed. This caught me by surprise. I had to push through for them. Standing up straight I ran at him with speed that can be only matched by Allmight himself. Within a second I ran over to him and punched him across the face as hard as I could. Teeth and blood flew from his mouth as he was pushed away from me.(Now for anyone wondering why doesn't he just heal himself with a quirk, well the amount of strength that he contains is great it's not enough for him to produce a healing quirk. The only one he has he can't use on himself). Before I could come in for another strike I heard him call out,"KUROGIRI TELEPORT ME TO YOU". Right before I hit him he fell through a portal though due to my momentum I was unable to stop in time and I fell through it as well. Once I fell out I saw everything I never wanted to see. The monster thing from earlier now labeled as a Nomu was slamming my dads head into the ground. The nomu lifted my dads head for a second and I saw him look towards my direction and fear wash over his face,"RUN IZUKU GET OUTTA HERE PLEA-". Before he could finish his head was slammed into the ground once more. I had never felt such anger before. It was boiling inside begging to be let out. Everything was silent for a second, the only thing I could hear was the fading beat of my dads heart until finally it stopped. My eyes widened in realization of the situation. The hand guy was saying something but I couldn't hear anything. All I could do is feel, see, smell, hear, and feel anger. "HAHAHA THE GREAT ERASERHEAD IS DEAD HAHAHA NO ONE CAN STO-". Before he could finish he was hit with an overwhelming amount of Killing Intent. When he looked towards me he would see that I was the source of it all. Everyone who was there watched as I fell to the ground onto my knees. And I screamed. I screamed so loud. Releasing everything I have ever felt from the accident to now. When suddenly everything in my head went black. All I could see were the men in front of me who killed him, Who killed my DAD. "RRRRRRARRAAAAAAHAHHHAHHHHHHHHH", could be heard ringing through the entire place. Everyone who resided inside the building could hear it. It shook them to their core. I ran straight towards Nomu and it punched into the floor. This went on for a couple minutes until everyone who was watching witnessed me rip its brain out of its head. Blood and brain matter covered my clothes as I turned towards Shigaraki. He had a shocked and horrified look on his face. "Che-cheater not even Allmight can defeat him", he said slowly backing away. I couldn't hear him as he ranted. All I did was slowly walk towards him until I backed him into a wall. Feeling the wall against his back he looked back towards me with fear in his eyes.''KUROGIRI, GET US OUT OF HERE". Once he finished his sentence I ran at him at full speed and slammed my fist into his neck. He sailed through the air until he was thrown through a portal leaving me and the class with a bunch of unconscious villains. Even if they left I was still in that space until I heard screaming. "I-, IZ-, IZUKU," This kept ringing through my ears until finally I woke up out of that space. Once I was aware I saw the class who were at the stairs and Toshi and Kachaan who were about 6 feet from me. I was going to go to them until I remembered why I went berserk. My face visibly paled and a look of fear, dread, and anguish flashed across my face. I turned away from them and ran back towards where my dad laid. Seeing his body resting there on the floor made me forget about all the blood that was pooling out of my body and all the broken bones I had. I ran towards him putting my fingers to his neck to check for a pulse. When I felt nothing my blood ran cold,"no no, no, no, no, no, No, No, NO",I screamed using my one healing quirk to save him. "YOU TOLD ME NOT TO DIE AND I DIDN"T NOW IT'S YOUR TURN WAKE UP", I screamed. Once all his injuries were healed I checked for a pulse again and this time I felt a slight thrumming beneath my fingers. I cried out in relief and layed on top of him. I stayed this way for a few minutes until I felt someone brushing my hair. I lifted my head to see my dad looking at me with a smile,"hey bud, you should probably get that checked out." I smiled at him and helped him sit up. "Well I'm not dead so that's good". I laughed at him "yeah, yes it is". I went to stand up when suddenly my world went black and I heard someone scream my name. I felt my head slam against the ground as all my strength left me. I was able to open my eyes a couple of minutes later to see heroes running around frantically rounding up all the villains on the way. I slowly turned my head up to see my dad holding me with tears in his eyes. He was surrounded by Papa, Mom, and Father, they were all screaming at people to come retrieve me. Dad looked down and noticed me looking and he started to talk to me in a frantic voice. "OH MY GOD IZUKU PLEASE STAY AWAKE OK YOUR FINE YOUR OK." I tried. I really did. I even talked to them for a few minutes, and thanks to my stubbornness I was able to stay awake until we were minutes from the hospital. Thankfully I was in an Ambulance and so once I did finally cave, they were able to help me. Dad had to go into another Ambulance and Papa rode with dad while mom drove with me. They sent Father to drive to the hospital with the car. Mom talked to me the entire time, holding my hand. I could see she was horrified by the damage I had received but just kept quiet, trying to hide the tears from me. Though it didn't work I mean I'm not dumb, I can see. Anyways as I said before about halfway to the hospital I slipped into unconsciousness. All I could hear in the background was the rapid beeping of a heart monitor and my moms frantic cries.


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