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Author's pov

At mall,

"Yahh...you sister of Usain Bolt slow down your speed." You were running behind Minjee breathlessly.

"What Y/n-ah?" She asked turning back looking at you with her intense gaze.

"Can't y..you wa..walk slowly?" You breathed panting heavily due to excessive running and glared at her with your beautiful cocoa brown eyes.

"It's not my fault that you are slow..!" She retorted crossing her arms towards her chest while looking at your, already exhausted face.

"Yeah..it's my fault 'cause we are here for 3 hours and I'm quite hungry right now." You argued and soon your gaze moved to the restaurant beside the store.

"Okay then let's go." She spoke and clasped her arm on your shoulder while heading towards the restaurant beside the store.

"Umm..it's on you today please, next time I'll pay." You pleaded showing your cute puppy eyes to your best friend.

"Okay now stop this and yeah fine lunch is by me, my beautiful lady..!" She replied pinching your left cheek with her hand.

"Thank you so much, my dear baby panda." You said it with your most innocent smile which made her roll her eyes.

"Don't call me that ok? I'm not fat. I hate you." She stomped her feet on your feet angrily because you called her by the nickname which she hates gave. She entered inside the restaurant ignoring your presence whereas you were laughing at her annoyed face. She really looks very funny

"Well u see, Ms. Kang I love that nickname of yours which was given by me and yeah I love you too 'cause Love Repels Hate, my dear bestfriend you know that very well." You giggled walking behind her.

"Yeah yeah I know, and let's take the table and order fast 'cause i can hear your stomach growling from here, my dear. " She laughed and poked your belly playfully.

"Stop with that and let's sit down, you pabo." You glared at her before making your way towards the empty seat.

After 10 minutes

"Finally, the food is here. These 10 minutes felt like an eternity to me." You smiled brightly like a child to which she smiled too looking at you being so happy.

"Yeah, now let's eat before it gets cold." She announced while handing you a chopstick. You hummed as a response.

"Y/n-ah, do you know that he is coming back to Seoul tomorrow morning I guess?" She gazed at Y/n observing her facial expression.

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