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Author's pov

"I can't love anyone, because love remains as a pain in the heart."

She felt a pang in her heart after listening to his words. She knew it was because of their painful past which made her Taehyung like this. She averted her gaze and looked at his side profile with her soft and tender eyes.

She palmed his cheeks with her hand which made him turn in her direction looking at her where she found his eyes which were holding so much pain in them making her eyes turn glossy just by looking at them.

"You may hide the things of your heart from me, but you cannot hide the pain in your eyes from me."

She spoke in her softest voice while her eyes were getting teary.

He moved his face not gazing at her and stayed silent because somewhere he knew he cannot hide anything from his sister. He didn't want to show any emotions but he always failed when it came to Jisoo. She can read him like an open book that's how vulnerable he was in front of Jisoo.

Jisoo was very aware that how much he had suffered from their cruel and painful past.. how much he had struggled to get this position in this industry world. He was never like this like how he was now fact, he was opposite to it, soft and tender.

But until one day, their whole beautiful world was crushed because of a traumatic incident which occurred in their beautiful lives which made him traumatized. That incident had affected him so much that he cannot even sleep without taking sleeping pills. Even after eating sleeping pills, he got nightmares.

When he had his first nightmare, he couldn't able to sleep for three days. She remembered how he cried his heart out that day but then these nightmares became one part of his life which never left him. Those eyes which once held so many emotions in them are now just empty and blank.

"Excuse me, sir," Both siblings turned their heads in the direction of the owner's voice.

"Sir, here are the papers you asked for." He uttered gazing down and extending the file in front of Taehyung.

He took the file and motioned him to go. Taehyung turned his gaze toward his sister and handed her the file making her confused at his action.

"What is it, Tae?" She asked him looking at him and then at the file with her confused expression.

"Just open it and read it." He simply stated making her open the file to look into it.

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