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Author's pov

Jisoo was moving closer to her destination and was quite excited as well as nervousness had clouded her mind about what she was up to. She and her aunt Mrs Jeon was just a few meters away from your house. She didn't know why but her heart was beating at a quite fast pace maybe because of a feeling of agitation.

She solely hoped from her god that whatever she had planned would go smoothly after all according to her she did very hard work last night by persuading her brother.


Inside Taehyung's room, Jisoo was sitting on his bed with her crossed legs waiting impatiently for him to come back from his so call office call. She being completely bored, yawned feeling sleepy because of the stressful day she had today but was still awake waiting for him.

Just when she leaned on her back to lay on the bed to take a quick nap then suddenly a wave of cool breeze passed through his gallery entering inside the room and which caused the papers to fly away which were kept on his table and then shattered on the ground.

"Oh god! Now, I have to keep this in place." She mumbled with a sigh before standing up from the bed.

Taking her lazy steps towards the gallery, she closed its glass door so that no heavy wind could pass again. After that, she turned back and stood near the table gazing at the paper which was on the ground scattered in different places causing her lips to leave a long sigh.

Squatting down she started to collect the papers one by one. Once, she grabbed those papers altogether, she arranged them vertically and stood up to keep them inside the empty file so that they won't scatter again.

As soon she was done with it, her eyes then landed on the paper which was almost on its way to going under his bed. She widen her eyes and took her immediate fast steps and finally grabbed it before it could go under it.

She inhaled a deep breath and turned back to keep the paper in its place. But before she could keep it inside the file, her eyes unintentionally took a glance at the paper and its heading caught her attention.

"Forms for freshers?" She read it nonchalantly but then something hit her making her eyes shine in happiness.

"I know God it's your doing. Thank you so much." She faced the sky which could be seen from his gallery. She, with her hearty smile, thanked her God but to her dismay, the form she was holding was a sample form that meant she cannot have them because according to his company rules, every sample form is kept as a record and was strictly prohibited to give it to anyone to fill it. Shit! This is gonna be hard..

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