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Author's pov

Inside the meeting room,

"Hello, Mr. Ríos, good to see you, it's been a while," Taehyung shook the young Hispanic's hand warmly.

"Hey Mr. Kim, good to see you again." Manu Ríos smiled as he shook his hand with him, his English was heavily Spanish accented but overall it was a charming sound and the young attractive designer never failed to impress the girls.

"At last we get started on the project," Taehyung remarked as he took his hand back whereas Manu faced Mr. Han for the translation of his spoken words which he instantly did with a nod.

"Y estoy emocionado por eso," (And I'm excited about it) He acknowledged with his breathtaking smile making Taehyung nod at him.

Taehyung didn't need a translator for himself because he understood Spanish quite well as he had studied this particular language in his high school days. It was just he didn't like speaking Spanish because he got stuck in between because of his accent.

"Espero que podamos hacer el trabajo sin interrupciones y esas cosas, sabes que hay muy poco tiempo." (I hope we can get the work done without any interruptions and things, you know there's so little time.) He asserted as he took the seat beside Taehyung's table.

"You don't have to worry about it, everything's under control." He responded after passing him a quizzical smirk as he peered at him making him chuckle with a nod.

"KTH, shall we start the meeting?" Ms. Kim asked as she stood near his chair.

"Hmmm..." He acknowledged as he proudly leaned on his chair waiting for the meeting to start.


At Jimin's penthouse,

"I am deeply in love with you, Melon. Please be my girlfriend."

You felt your body become stiff at your place just the moment you heard his confession. You peered at him with your widened shocked eyes with slightly parted lips not believing what you heard as for you it was really unexpected. Is this for real?!

Jimin harshly bit his tongue as he closed his eyes realizing what he uttered was something he shouldn't have. He was continuously blaming his suppressed feelings in his head but as you all know spoken words can never be taken back no matter what we do here.

HIS INCITING DESIRE || KTH FF Ft. PJM 🔞Where stories live. Discover now