Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Wakandan translation courtesy of Type Wakanda.


After another excruciating final period of DADA on Thursday, it was time for the first meting of the reformed WWHRS. Cassidy and I had been spreading the word to everyone we could over the past couple days, and after spending several hours with Umbridge, I was more than ready to start doing something that I knew would piss her off.

Quidditch wasn't the only club getting started this week.

DADA was with Hufflepuff, and as soon as it let out, Lee and I booked it to the empty classroom we were using for our club. The twins seemed more interested than they were last year, but since Hermione was going to be in the club for the next hour or so, they wanted to take advantage of the time to work on testing and selling their products. I tried to talk Cedric into coming, and I think he actually might have if it weren't the year of N.E.W.T.s and a million different homework assignments, but his start of the year duties were getting in the way for him today too.

While Lee and I waited for the rest of the club to show up, I got all the electronics hooked up and showed Lee how to do it, too. Fifth year, the club had been pretty informal. It was a group of people interested in science hanging out and talking about fun stuff, with some learning and explanations mixed in. This year, I wanted to make it a little more formal.

Go big or go home, right?

I managed to get things set up before anyone else arrived, thankfully. I'd set up a big screen in the front of the room, along with a projector in the back to display our new motto on the wall just above the screen:

 I'd set up a big screen in the front of the room, along with a projector in the back to display our new motto on the wall just above the screen:

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Or, in other words, Progress for Progress' Sake.

Just subtle enough that Umbridge couldn't come burn me down for it, but enough rebellion to keep me from losing my mind. Not to mention a good motto, considering everything this club stood for.

Slowly, people started filtering in, all of them but Jackson staring in awe at the fancy new setup. Lee, Jackson, and Adrian knew the true meaning of the motto, but for everyone else, I was keeping it a secret. It was a precaution until we knew just how bad Umbridge would truly get, and a reward for anybody in the club who made it to the end of the year having learned something.

I glanced down at my phone to check on my first surprise of the year when I heard a loud gasp from the doorway. I looked up to see Cassidy, eyes shining and mouth open as she took in the new setup.

"Alexa, this is incredible!" she cried, rushing forward with a massive grin on her face. She gave me a big hug which, of course, I returned. When she pulled away, the smile on her face hadn't dimmed at all. "What are we learning about today?"

"You'll see," I said with a smile of my own. "It's a surprise, but I think you're going to like it."

Cassidy nodded, eagerly taking a seat in the front row as her friends joined her. David came through the door with a wave, and finally, a harried-looking Hermione rushed through at the last minute.

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