Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: NO spoilers but HAPPY BLACK WIDOW MOVIE RELEASE DAY!!!!! It technically came out last night in theaters, and oh my gosh, it was *fantastic*. Go see it on the big screen if you get the chance!!! Nat finally got the movie she deserved 😊🎉🎉🎉


"Books out, wands away!" chirped Umbrdige's obnoxiously perky voice. I glanced across the room and made eye contact with Jackson long enough to roll my eyes.

No lesson that started with 'books out, wands away' was likely to be a fun one.

This period was a double, which meant we'd be in this classroom with Umbridge for twice the usual class time. For better or worse, the Slytherins were with us too, so at the very least Jackson and I could deal with her in real-time together.

"Now, your teaching thus far in this subject had been rather inconsistent, hasn't it?" she asked, back straight and nose in the air as she looked out at us. "A constant change of instructors—most of whom have been teaching curriculum other than the Ministry approved standard—has left you all woefully unprepared to take your N.E.W.T.s this year.

"But, there is no need to worry." She smiled like she was expecting us all to be wonderfully relieved. A quick glanced around the classroom showed nothing but boredom and irritation. "This year, we will be following a carefully structured, theory-centered, Ministry-approved course of defensive magic. Copy down the following, please."

She rapped her knuckles against the chalkboard, and it shifted to magically display a message like a PowerPoint slide. It said:

Course Aims:
1. Understanding the principles underlying defensive magic.
2. Learning to recognize situations in which defensive magic can legally be used.
3. Placing the use of defensive magic in a context for magical use.

The classroom was filled with the sound of scribbling quills as everyone took the time to copy down everything on the board. I, on the other hand, used the time to flip open my spiral notebook and use my normal pen to start planning out a list of ideas for clubs, along with some plans for WWHRS.

Finally, as the sound of writing died out and we all looked back up from the pages, Umbridge spoke again.

"Has everyone got a copy of Defensive Magical Theory?" she asked. There were some muttered yes', although I didn't bother responding, and Umbridge sniffed in disdain. "Let's all try that again. When I ask you a question, you shall either reply "Yes, Professor Umbridge" or "No, Professor Umbridge". So, has everyone got a copy of Defensive Magical Theory?"

"No, Professor Uptight."

"No, Ms. Umbridge."

"Yes, Professor Umbridge."

Jackson and I's responses got lost among the chorus of everyone else, but we were sitting close enough that we heard each other's answers. We glanced at each other, but I had to look away quickly avoid bursting out laughing.

"Excellent," sniffed Umbridge. "Now, you will all turn to page five and read 'Basics for Beginners'." There will be no need to talk."

With that, Umbridge walked behind her desk and sat down, staring out at all of us expectantly. I huffed in frustration, but opened my book anyway. I didn't bother to read a single word off the page before starting back on my list of activities Jackson and I could put together.

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