Chapter Thirty-Eight

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A/N: As usual, we're using italics for stuff in a different language (usually French in this chapter)



I grinned as Viktor stepped through the sling portal I'd conjured, his usually reserved expression gone under a massive grin. He threw his arms wide and wrapped me into a massive hug as soon as I closed the portal behind him, and I didn't waste a second before hugging him back.

"Vik! It's so good to see you."

"It is good to see you too," he smiled as me as we pulled apart, then looked around the room. "I don't know this room. Where are we?"

"It's some hidden place that Harry found. It doesn't show up on any maps or anything, so it's perfect for... well, a lot of things we've been doing lately."

When I'd visited Viktor and the other champions to invite them to Friendsgiving, I'd also filled them in on Umbridge and the DA, along with what we'd been doing and why. They'd all been there and gotten as close as possible to a front-row seat for everything Harry, Cedric, and I went through, so unlike the rest of the wizarding world, they immediately agreed with us and believed our story.

An absolute breath of fresh air after some of the attitudes we'd been facing at Hogwarts.

Viktor had asked to come a little early to help set up, and of course I'd agreed. With him, Fred, George, Lee, Angelina, and Alicia all in the room, for just a second it was easy to pretend things were normal.

"How can I help?" he asked, gesturing to the room around us.

"Uh, let's see... do you know what pilgrim hats look like?" Viktor raised an eyebrow, so I quickly waved off my own question. "Nevermind. Just conjure up some fake turkeys, leaves, and pumpkins, and scatter them around the tables."


He got to work, and the time he put into carefully arranging the turkeys and pumpkins so they were just right made my heart melt.

"Alright Alexa, we're off to get the last of the food!" called Fred. He, George, and Lee were gathered by the door.

"Sounds good! DON'T get caught though."

All three of them looked incredibly offended that I would even suggest it as they headed out the door. The rest of the school would just be finishing their dinners in the Great Hall, which meant our Friendsgiving guests would be here soon. They had to be at dinner to keep Umbridge from being suspicious at so many absences, but they were all planning to have their real dinners here, thanks to the twins and Lee's skills.

"So, other than the problems you shared... how have you been?" asked Viktor, wandering back over to me as he finished his task.

I sighed and leaned back against the nearest wall, Vik taking up a place next to me as we watched Angelina and Alicia lay out all the place cards.

"I've been... better. It's just frustrating to feel so helpless, and it kind of seeps into every other aspect of my life. But stuff like this helps, a lot. It's proof that pink bitch hasn't completely won."

"And she won't."

Viktor said it so calmly, so confidently, like it was just a fact of life, not even some big sweeping declaration. He said it as surely as someone might say the sun would rise in the morning.

I leaned into Vik a little bit, and he put an arm around my shoulder. We stayed like that for a few long moments, just taking a beat of silence. I couldn't quite keep a smile off my face, thanks to the steady presence of my friend.

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