Chapter Nineteen

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I groaned as I felt something jab me in the side, pulling me out of the darkness of dreamland. Slowly, I opened my eyes to investigate, only to be met with Alicia's face up-close and personal, resting and drooling on my shoulder.

I looked to my right to find myself laying on Angelina's shoulder, with her asleep and drooling into my hair. Her knee was pressed into my side, which I quickly identified as the thing that woke me up.

I reached for my phone to check the time and found it laying in the blankets next to us. The screen read:


I swore under my breath, then tossed the phone back into the blankets. So much for being productive today.

I sighed heavily, then sat up, moving Angelina and Alicia around enough that they woke up too. Both of them groaned in protest, and Alicia actually tried to bury her head under my pillow to block out the light. I leaned over her and ripped the curtains open so she couldn't escape.

"Angelina, you have the boniest knees I have ever felt," I groaned, leaning back against my headboard and rubbing at my eyes.

She just grunted in response and leaned back next to me.

"What time is it?" she asked blearily.



I smiled, then turned my head to look at Angelina. She was squinting at me, clearly still not awake, and looking exactly like I felt. Neither of us could help it as we burst out laughing.

"Oi, do you two mind quieting down?" mumbled Alicia, her voice muffled by the mattress she was trying to hide her face in. "I'm still trying to sleep over here."

"It's noon," I said.

"I don't care."

"It's time to go down for lunch," Angelina countered.

Alicia pushed herself up on her arms, turning to us and blinking blearily.

"...I'm listening."

It took us a while to get moving, but thankfully, lunch was being served until two. We wandered down a little before one, the three of us moving slowly since none of us were completely awake yet.

We wandered into the Great Hall together, then stopped dead when we saw who was sitting at the Gryffindor table. Lee looked nervous, shifting in his seat as he picked at his lunch. Across from him sat the twins, staring right at the three of us with terrifying smiles as we froze in the doors.

"Come on, approach with confidence," I said, shaking myself out of it and dragging my friends towards our table. "It's worse if they can tell you're afraid."

The twins were still staring at us as we sat down, but I was feeling adventurous, so I took a seat right between Fred and George. Angelina and Alicia sat with Lee across from us, but both twins were staring at me.

"What do you two want?" I asked, reaching for a sandwich in the middle of the table without so much as looking at them.

"Nothing much," said Fred, his voice deceptively casual.

"We just wanted to know what the muggles and the Americans think a truce is," said George. "You know, just in case it's different than our definition."

"No, we have the same definition. Why?"

"We thought you might be able to answer that, since we found a bunch of muggle nonsense all over our beds this morning," said George.

I paused my sandwich making long enough to give each of them a long look.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

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