Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Dedicated to Reese1116Piano for the AMAZING version of High Hopes he made for this story. It's literally so sick you guys, go listen to it. I put the link here in the description and it should show up at the bottom of the chapter for people on the web version, but Wattpad says I can't add hyperlinks on mobile, so if you guys find a work around for that please let me know :)


When I woke up the next morning for my run with Jackson, I realized with a start that I wasn't the first one up. Angelina was quietly bustling around the dorm too, looking far more awake than she had any right to be.

"Hey," I whispered, walking over to her so we wouldn't disturb the rest of our sleeping dorm mates. "Are you okay? What are you doing?"

"I'm fine," she said, waving me off and continuing to search through her drawers and school bag. "But Quidditch tryouts are on Friday, and I have a lot to organize before then."

"Angelina... it's six thirty in the morning."

"I know. I wanted to get up earlier, but there's nothing I can do about that now." I just stared at her, trying to figure out what to say, until she turned to me with an urgent look in her eyes. "Speaking of which, you'll be there, right? Five o'clock on Friday, the whole team's expected to be there and I need you to tryout for Keeper."

"Uh... yeah, yeah, I'll be there..."

"Good. Have a good run then. I'll see you at breakfast."

With that, she turned on her heel and marched out of the room. I just stared after her, not quite sure what to do. I'd never seen Angelina like this before.

Eventually, I just shook my head and managed to get moving again. I got dressed, then passed Angelina in the Common Room on my way out. She was pouring over papers and schedules and lists of students, and she didn't even spare a glance as I walked past.

McGonagall wouldn't have chosen her for captain if she wasn't going to take it seriously, I guess.

I was a few minutes late meeting Jackson in front of the school, so of course he commented on it. I just waved him off and started running, leaving him to either shut up and start running or get left behind.

Still, it was a good start to the morning, and after going back to my dorm for a quick shower I was buzzing with excitement as I walked through the doors to the Great Hall. I caught Angelina accosting Harry about tryouts on Friday, so I quickly walked past while she was distracted and sat at the other end of the table with Alicia and Lee.

"Morning Lex," said Lee. "How was the run?"

"It was good," I said, piling food onto my plate. "Hey, have either of you noticed Angelina acting weird today?"

"Yes! She and I usually walk down to breakfast together, but today she was already gone by the time I woke up!" said Alicia. "And she'd left a note for me that just told me when Quidditch tryouts were going to happen, and that I couldn't miss them."

"Yeah, so actually, she was up before me. She was dressed and heading downstairs to work, I guess on Quidditch stuff, by the time I climbed out of bed."

Lee and Alicia both gave me shocked looks, and I just nodded.

"I guess she's determined to get a win for her last year," mused Lee.

"Yeah, I guess. I can't help feeling like she's channeling Oliver a little, though," I said.

"She can't be that bad, can she?" asked Lee. I just shrugged. Who knew where this was going to go, or how long it might last.

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