Chapter Thirty-Six

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I sat in Charms on Monday morning, three days before Friendsgiving, tapping my foot and trying to be patient while Flitwick wrapped up his lesson. My main concern this year was Umbridge, more than any food, seating, or invitation requirements, and after wracking my brain all weekend I'd come to the conclusion that I needed to consult someone else. So, as soon as this class was over and we were let out for lunch, I was going to go talk to Professor McGonagall.

"Remember, you absolutely must practice this spell outside of class!" said Flitwick. He'd been wrapping up his lesson for the past ten minutes, and as much as I loved him as a teacher, I just wanted to get out of here. "With N.E.W.T.s getting closer and closer, we must be diligent about working and asking questions whenever they come up!"

We all nodded, and to my horror, someone else in the class raised their hand to ask a question. I held back a groan as Flitwick launched into an answer.

Finally, the last question was answered and class was dismissed. I took off like a shot without waiting for any of my friends, and made a beeline for the hallways to McGonagall's classroom.

When I arrived, the last of a group of Ravenclaw fourth-years was just filtering out. I shifted past them to get to the front of the room, where Professor McGonagall was still packing up her things.

"Professor!" I said, coming to a stop right in front of her. She actually jumped, looking incredibly surprised to see me. Which was probably fair.

"Miss Stark! What on Earth are you doing here? Has something happened?"

"Uh... no, but I'm trying to make sure it stays that way." She raised an eyebrow at me, so I quickly continued. "You know how I do that big American holiday celebration in the courtyard every year?"

"Ah, yes. Friendsgiving, isn't it?"

I grinned. "Dead on, Professor. So Friendsgiving is supposed to be this Thursday, but... well, I've been a little worried about hosting the event like normal. It just seems like..."

I paused and lowered my voice, briefly glancing around the classroom for any sign of an eavesdropper that might cause me problems. When I saw none, I turned back to Professor McGonagall and continued.

"With Umbridge around, and all her stupid rules and anti-muggle bull- uh, sorry, nonsense, I'm just a little worried she'll throw a fit if I try to do any kind of celebration like I usually do."

McGonagall pursed her lips and frowned. I could tell she was thinking hard for a way around the Umbridge problem, but also seemed to quickly be coming to the same conclusion I had: there wasn't one.

"I'm afraid I don't know what to tell you, Miss Stark," she finally said, her voice low. "Technically, your gathering doesn't violate any Educational Decrees."

I barely held back a grin at the disgust with which she said the words "Educational Decrees", or at the fact that she'd clearly been studying every loophole of those stupid things, just like I had.

"However, I must warn you against doing anything with the belief that those laws will stay the same, or protect you from any fallout for things done using a loophole. Professor Umbridge is determined to exert her control over this school, and I have little doubt that she would use something like your Friendsgiving as a way to further destroy any sense of freedom or community that we have built at Hogwarts."

Professor McGonagall looked absolutely murderous. Her eyes burned as they met mine, and I'd never been prouder to call her my Head of House.

"Duly noted, Professor. I was hoping you'd have seen something I didn't, but... it seems like we're on the same page."

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