Chapter III

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Saturday, August 28th
Serenity P.O.V

"I can't believe you never told us." Mya said from the kitchen. I looked at Daniel and he was shaking his head.

"I can't believe I missed her twice." He said upset.

"Well one I didn't mention it because it was in the past and two if you had decided to listen to me you wouldn't have been sick for 2 days." I said addressing both their problems.

Today was Saturday and most of the time me, Mya, and Daniel hung out at Mya's house. I was telling them about me and Renèe history because Mya was getting suspicious and she wouldn't give it up without me telling. Her and Daniel annoyed me until I finally gave in.

"Have you told Sienna?" Mya asked me sitting back on the couch. I grabbed the lemonade that she brung in here off the table and took a sip.

"Of course but I yelled at her when I shouldn't have I haven't talked to her since I think she dodging my calls." I said looking down. I sent her a apology text but she has yet to answer my calls.

"Ouuu you in trouble." Daniel said stretching out trouble. I rolled my eyes and slumped back on the couch. "You sound like my children." Mya said referring to her students.

"Yeah well at least I apologized she'll call me back. In the damn meantime what do I do about Renèe?" I asked pouting. I leaned into Mya and she just laughed.

"I don't have ex issues so I don't know." Daniel said and Mya said, "yeah that's cause you can't get a girlfriend nor boyfriend. How you bi and can't get neither?" I started dying of laughter after that and Daniel smacked his lips upset.

"Alright alright for real though you should talk to her. I did when she was there and she seemed like she was happy to see you. I think she probably regrets everything." Mya said.

Right after that I got a notification. I looked down and saw it was Renèe.

Renèe: Tomorrow at Expresso's? You available?

Me: yeah, what time?

Renèe: 12?

Me: Ok.

"Speaking of the devil. She just texted me where we're meeting for coffee tomorrow." I told them.

"Damn that was fast." Daniel said. "Yeah well enough of her for now." I said and steered the conversation into something else.

Sunday, August 29th
3rd person P.O.V

To say that Renèe was nervous would be an understatement. She was fidgeting and could barely keep seated. She was at the coffee shop waiting for Serenity to arrive. Rey has been thinking of things to say to Serenity she didn't want to make anything awkward by asking to much or too little.

Serenity walked into the shop 5 mins late because she was dealing with Daniel. He left his key at Mya house and she had to let him in the daycare. She walked in to find Renèe sitting at one of the tables.

"Hey, am I late?" She asked trying to lighten the already tense mood. Renèe looked up and smiled slightly. "No, no not at all."

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