Chapter XII

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Saturday, December 4th
Renèe P.O.V

I fucked up. I majorly fucked up. I yelled at Serenity let all my frustration out on her for what? Because I was ashamed? because I was pissed that my friends that owned that club now know that I was cheated on?

Honestly the only explanation is that I'm pissed at myself. Serenity was right I let my self get walked all over by Raven. Let her take advantage of me. I hate myself for not being the person I was in highschool.

I shouldn't have yelled at her. I went out of my way to go over to her hoping that maybe she would sympathize with me. Make me feel better even if I was being a jackass.

I just made her mad. Made her hate me all over again. I called Nicki to come over but she's not getting here fast enough I feel like I'm on the verge of a panic attack. I haven't had one since me and Serenity first broke up. But our argument and my fear of her hating me is triggering one.

The front door opening caught my attention. I came out my room and was about to collapse on Nicki and tell her all my problems but it's was Raven.

"Dude did you talk to your crazy ass ex." She said sitting on my couch. I felt like I couldn't breath and I didn't want to see her. "Yo you here me talking to you?"

"Get out." I said quietly.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Get out. Get the fuck outta my house. I'm so fuckin done with you."

"You believing her over me are you serious?"

"I know about you cheating on me I've known for a good year now. But I'm done with that shit now. I'm not allowing it no more so get the fuck out my house."

"Man whatever you gon be crawling back." She said reaching for the door.

"Fuck you. And for your information I'm not easy I only dated you to take my mind off of Serenity and when that didn't work I used you as a fuckin distraction." I said and saw Nicki come up behind her.

"You heard what she said. Why don't you get the steppin cause trust and believe yo karma is far from over." Nicki said. She left and Nicki came in and closed the door.

"Are you ok?"

"I went over Serenity house to argue with her and I'm pretty sure she hates me now so no...I'm not." I said and she hugged me when I started crying.

"She doesn't hate you."

"She does. I don't why I ever thought we could work out. I hurt her too much."

"This is my fault. I should have never tried to force you to date Raven when you wasn't ready. I just was tired of seeing you be heart broken over her that I thought if you got into a relationship you would be happy." Nicki said.

"I wish I never broke up with Serenity. I wish I never lied to her. I wish I would've told her I was going away and we could have worked things out."

"We don't know if it would have worked. I'm not saying that to be mean but you and her was fucked up. Y'all was 2 jealous ass people who couldn't handle when the other was around another person. Especially her. Long distance wouldn't have worked Rey."

I cried even more because it was true. I don't regret breaking up with her because it was something we both needed. To be able to grow as people. She grew, she's happy, she changed for the better. I didn't.

Saturday, December 10th
3rd Person P.O.V

A week had passed since the whole blow up. Raven was long gone. Serenity was still upset. Renèe was well doing bad. And Nicki was tired of it. She was heart broken that her friend was once again in a depressed state.

"Cmon Rey please get up." Nicki said to her friend that was laying in her bed cuddling her stuffed bear. Renèe refused to talk to her not because she was mad but because she felt broken.

"Stop crying you know I hate seeing you like this. I can't do another repeat of 6years ago. You can't go down this hole again." Nicki said trying to convince her friend to feel better.

Nicki knew that her efforts were fruitless and that nothing she said would make Renèe get out of bed. Nicki knew that her words were useless but then she thought of a certain someone and thought 'If she won't listen to me maybe she'll listen to her'.

Getting close to the end only 3 chapters left

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