Chapter VI

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Saturday, September 25th
Serenity P.O.V

"I'm bored." Daniel said stretching the word. Sienna laughed and Mya rolled her eyes.

"True." Sienna said.

"What is it to do man." Daniel asked and everybody shrugged. Then I remembered something.

"Oh!" I said a lil to loud. "My bad but we should go to Renèe's club she invited us there I had forgot to tell y'all about it."

"Then what the fuck we waiting for." Daniel said and stood up immediately.

"You tryna go?" I asked Mya cause she was being a lil to quiet.

"Yeah I'm down."

"Bet then we'll come back and get you. She said the club don't start jumping till about 11."

She nodded and the three of us left. Daniel left to go home and prepare. It was only 4 so we still had a lil while. Me and Sienna went to her brothers house to ask him if he wanted to come.

"Isaac!" Sienna yelled once we got inside in his house. "In the kitchen." He said and we walked towards him.

"Hey." He said once we walked in.

"Wassup. So hey I know this club I don't if you ever been to it, it's called The Palace."

"Hmm I don't think I ever heard of it. But I'm down to go." He said glowing. He's a literal party animal.

"Bet we ain't gon go until 11 I know the owners and we get to go for free so be ready I'll come get you around 10:30 or so." I told him and then left with Sienna.

"So you sure about this?" Sienna asked once we got in the car.


"About going to your ex and her best friends club." I was quiet for a couple seconds before replying.

"Of course I am." I said and she rolled eyes clearly not convinced.

Once me and Sienna got home we hung for a while. We eventually got dress and headed out to go get everyone. Isaac first. Then Daniel. Finally Mya and we head to the club.

The line was out the club and around the side of the building she wasn't lying when she said it be jumpin. I text her that we was here hoping we wouldn't have to wait in that long ass line.

Me: We here. It's packed asf you want us to come thru the front?

Renèe: Naw come thru the back you can park back there too. I'll meet you

I drove around back and parked. We get out the car and see Renèe waiting by the door.

"Hey, cmon." She said and led us through the club. She took us to a V.I.P section upstairs.

"Look who it is." Davon said and came up to dap Daniel and hug Mya. "Hey Sienna didn't know you were town." He said hugging her. Yes he knows Sienna. Lani has been going to our daycare for about a year so they knew each other from when she would visit.

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