Chapter VIII

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Tuesday, October 12th
Serenity P.O.V

"Yeah see y'all tomorrow." Davon said and left with Melani by his side.

"Bye." Mya said waving.

"Ight I'm leaving. I'll catch y'all later." Daniel said grabbing his bag.

After everyone left it was just me and Mya left. We were cleaning the rooms and talking slightly.

"So my sister is coming to town." Mya said suddenly.

"Ok. When?"

"Today." I turned to look at her and she didn't want to look at me.

"Damn girl maybe a heads up next time." I told her. Her sister is a big flirt and every time I see her she all touchy and flirty wit me. Sometimes I don't mind but sometimes it just get to be too much.

"Well you can't be mad at me because I just found out today too she'll be here later tonight and she's staying at my place." I rolled my eyes and continued cleaning.

After we lock up I head towards my house. Sienna wasn't here she must still be at her brothers house. I took a shower and went to sleep before she got home.

The next morning I wake up and get ready for work. When I'm done I head out to the kitchen and see Sienna in there.

"Hey love." I said taking a drink from the fridge.

"Hi. I'm gonna be with my parents to all day call me if you need me." She said and I nodded then left the house.

Once I arrive at school it was normal mostly me being there before everyone else. Daniel comes first then Mya and she brings someone with her.

"Hey NiNi you remember my sister Simone right?" She said and Simone sent me a flirty wink.

"Umm yeah wassup." I said shaking her hand but she pulled me into a hug.

"She's gonna be here for the day." I nodded and went into my classroom.

"Hey." I heard a couple minutes later. I turn and see Simone.


"Nothing much. I see your still looking as fine as ever." I smiled and laughed slightly. We talked for a little longer until kids started piling in.

Wednesday, October 13th
Renèe P.O.V

"Renèe!" I heard Nicki yell from upstairs.

"What?" I asked looking up at the balcony.

"Can you pick up Lani for me I got some stuff to finish up here."

"Yeah...what time is it?" I said saying the last part to myself. I took out my phone and saw it was 3:30. I grabbed my jacket and headed out of the bar and into my car.

I walk into the daycare and head towards Serenity's room. I turn to see a girl touching all over her chest clearly trying to flirt. I rolled my eyes and clears my throat to grab their attention.

"Renée...hey!" She said a little to loud. She moved from the girl and walked towards me.

"Hey." I said once she was standing in front of me. The girl look towards us and narrowed her eyes.

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