Bonus Chapter II

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3 years later
Saturday, April 11th
3rd person P.O.V

"Hey guys." Isaac said to his group of friends as he opened the door and let them inside now his and Mya's home.

"I feel like it's been forever since I saw you." Serenity said hugging him.

"It's been 3 days." He said back and laughed. They pulled apart and went to go join their friends that were now sitting in the living room.

"Where's Mya?" Renée asked.

"Upstairs with the baby."  Isaac said referring to his 10 month daughter. She looks just like her father so far and Mya isn't very happy.

"Hey looks who's here." Sienna said coming out of the kitchen with both her parents by her side.

They all said their respective hello's and Hey's before Sienna noticed that Nicki and Davon weren't present.

"Where are the other set of parents?"

"Nicki and Davon are coming over with their siblings. Also our parents should be here soon." Renée answered.

It was Easter Day and everyone's family's decided to come together and have a Easter hunt for the children.

Nicki and Davon are bringing their kids. Davon's sister is bringing her's. Marcellus and Aaron are bringing their partners and kids while Tavion and Drew bring themselves.

Mya's, Serenity's, Renée's, Nicki's, Davon's and the Taylor siblings parents were all making an appearance. Even Nicki's and Serenity's siblings are coming. Well everyone except for Malia who was in college and couldn't come back into town.

"Everyone should be here in about an hour." Serenity said.

While they waited for everyone else to join the party they talked about random things like work and Isaac couldn't resist telling story's about Aliyah (his daughter) even though everyone has heard them a million times.

Soon after there was a knock at the door and Mya came down with her daughter in her hands.

"Hey hey." Nicki said coming in the house once Isaac opened the door.

Following behind her was Davon, their kids, along with their siblings and parents. About 5 mins after they came Marcellus and the rest of the boys decided to show up. And soon enough Serenity's parents were there along with all her siblings.

The party was going strong and everyone was having a good time especially the kids. Renée watched how everyone interacted with their children and couldn't help the image of her and Serenity having a child pop into her mind.

"You ok over here?" Nicki said coming up from behind Renée.

"Yeah fine." She said with a fake smile on her face and Nicki saw right through it.

"Ok. What's wrong cmon spit it out."

Renée hesitated at first but then decided it was no use in trying to hide it. Nicki would get it out of her sooner or later.

"IthinkIwantakid." She rushed out and hid behind her cup taking a sip out of it. Nicki grew a smile on her face at the thought.

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