June 10th 2001

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"Okay but only if I get to pick the movie," Bri retorts, pinching his arm. Luke looked mocked and offended, pulling his arm back.

"Oh no none of that," he teased, wiggling his fingers and raising a suspicious brow as a smirk crossed his face. "You have horrible taste!"

She frowns, eyeing his fingers skeptically. She really should not have told him her sensitive tickle spots.

(He would have figured it out anyways).

"Luke Orion Castellan if you tickle me I will not show up," Bri warned, taking a step back from him.

Luke doesn't relent. "Briauna Diane I can't pronounce the rest Guerra, I know you'll show up because you can't resist my face," he adds a teasing wink, interrupted when she shoves him.

"I could if I wanted to- but I'm serious! Pick a good movie," Bri pleads, and he crosses his fingers over his chest and recites a promise.

It's James who witnesses this exchange, and he just lets an expression of knowing approval cross his face before he whistles and calls for his little sister.

Luke runs off to interrogate her other siblings as to what her favorite movie is, and Bri's brother watches him trip over his two feet.

He ruffles her hair and she sticks her bottom lip out. "James stop that," Bri insists, and the older boy just grins mischievously. "You keep smiling like that Hermes will claim you," she teases.

"Speaking of Hermes..." James continues, eyeing her with a serious look this time before glancing off at the log cabin in the distance. "How's your.. buddy over there?"

"Oh Luke's doing great," Bri answers, albeit too fast and too excited for someone who just saw him.

James lowers his head sighing. "God Bri, what is your deal?"


"Okay come on I know you're dumb, but not that dumb," he starts, tone taking a serious shift. "You can tell me anything on your mind- even if it sounds stupid."

Bri shifts in her spot, stopping their slow walk to the lava wall. "I don't know what you want from me Jay," she mutters, and then he realizes.

Oh my god she doesn't know.

"You and him good friends?" He asks hesitantly, and there's that clear smile again.

The brunette girl nods, smiling to herself now and shifting her gaze to the ground as if she had a secret he didn't know. "Yeah he's just, great, like- I don't know what it is but he's so easy to talk to y'know?"

(No, James doesn't know)

"And I always just feel really, really good around him. He's never said anything to insult me or put me down and he doesn't get mad when I'm better at combat than him he just laughs like he does and says do it again-" and she's rambling in a run off sentence.

But that's okay, because James knows the feeling all too well- being five years older than her. He's more than willing to let his girl talk about this guy that makes her happy, and her smile just grows wider the entire time.


"Kid you ever, you ever consider that you like him?" The older brother asks, and Bri immediately shuts up. "More than a friend type beat?" He adds, and pink is already spreading across her nose and cheeks and she hides her face.

"No," she squeaks out, and James throws an arm around her shoulder.

"Eh don't worry about it, you're too young for things like that right now."


Bri reached for another handful of popcorn, except the bowl wasn't in between them anymore and it was in Luke's lap. She huffed, turning away from the movie. "Psst pass the bowl," she whispered, and he shoved another handful into his own mouth.

"As you wish," he grinned cheekily, handing over the bowl.

"Okay farm boy," Bri teases, leaning back into the couch.

The flatscreen plays The Princess Bride, and although it's in all honesty a romance film, it's classic enough for two friends to casually enjoy it laid back in the Hermes cabin.

The man in black, whom we all know as Westley, leisurely leans against the rock. "I can't afford to make exceptions. Once word leaks out that a pirate has gone soft, people begin to disobey you, and then it's nothing but work, work, work, all the time!"

"You mock my pain!"

"Life is pain, your highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something. I remember this farm boy of yours, I think. This would be, what, five years ago? Does it bother you to hear?"

"Hey Bri?" Luke speaks up, watching as she stops muttering the entire damn script under her breath. Bri turns her head towards him, and she'd watch him for the rest of the movie if she could, she's seen it enough times. "If I died would you ever wait for me?"

The brunette chokes on her popcorn. "What, what do you mean?"

Luke catches himself, suddenly unsure and embarrassed. "Well we're friends right? You can't go on replacing me if I died," he replies, trying to keep his teasing tone as a barrier.

"But you're, y'know dead?"

He purses his lips in thought, "I think if I died I could come back. Honestly in our type of world I think it could work."

"You been watching too many movies Luke," Bri chides, and she settles closer to his side again. "But anyways, yeah. I think I would wait for you."

(She did).

The movie continues with some unresolved question in the air, but the both of them are so utterly new to this that it goes unsaid for quite a while.

But Luke isn't one to stay quiet, especially when her hand brushes up against his fingers when she goes to pull her blanket up.

Now Prince Humperdinck is back. "I thought you were dead once, and it almost destroyed me. I could not bear it if you died again, not when I could save you," Buttercup boldly proclaims to Westley, and Bri's too engrossed for her to hear Luke's question at first.

He pokes her.


"Do you have a crush on anyone?" He asks simply, and they're comfortable enough that she smiles and turns back to the movie. (She didn't wanna look into his eyes).

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Bri jokes, but for some reason he's serious and doesn't take that for an answer and she sighs, looking down at her fingers. "Well, I don't know. Not many cool people here y'know?"

Luke doesn't understand, but he gulps and is suddenly extremely interested in the six fingered man on TV. "Uh, yeah. Okay."

Bri was about to add that she thinks he's cool, and he's the greatest, but now he seems so dejected, she must have said something wrong and now she's silent in fear of making him feel worse.

That's what she does. She's a daughter of Ares, she just makes people angry and impatient and dejected like this, and it's really not her fault and it'd all be solved if they would stop being such idiots but Luke Castellan and Bri Guerra are two of the dumbest people in the world at this very moment.

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