July 9th, 2001

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They got.. distant.

Things just happen like that.

Bri took on more duties with her siblings after her brother left- now she was a camp counselor. And Luke just tried to give her space so he could get over this stupid crush that made him act like a love-sick fool.

He threw himself into being the friendly new kid of camp half-blood, and that came with being friends with everyone.

And besides Hope, Luke was Bri's only friend.

So you've got one being emotionally distant and throwing her feelings into sword swings that eventually are gonna decapitate someone, and the other who's putting his feelings into the wrong people and lying to himself.

Bad combo.

Luke straightened his arms, stretching his neck, and turned to face Lee Fletcher again. The son of Apollo looked at him annoyed, holding his arms out. "Dude, what was that."

The blonde froze. "Nothing Lee. Back to training, come on."

Lee wasn't having it and he crossed his arms. "Why are you training with me, you know I'm crap at using swords. And if this is about you not wanting to get close to her again-"

"Can you just strike me?" Luke asked, and Lee shrugged before attacking him with his sword. The blade met his arm and Luke hissed, knowing there would be a bruise forming eventually.

"Come on man.."  Lee snickered and Luke glanced at him- horrified.

"You used your prophecy stuff on me!"

"Don't know what you're talking about," Lee muttered, sidestepping as Luke attacked him once more. The son of Hermes fell forward and Lee doubled over, howling in laughter. Of course, he wasn't the only one laughing. Lee glanced over at the two girls near the end of the campground- the only others out here this early.

Bri was currently training her younger friend Hope, now sparing a moment to glance over at the two blonde boys. She brought a hand to her mouth when she saw Luke face-down in the dirt.

"Don't worry, it's my fault! Luke here's really a great fighter," Lee shouted before reaching a hand out and helping Luke up. She should know- she taught him. Lee fixed him with a serious look, scanning his body for any real injury. "You owe me one."

"No I don't, it really was your fault," Luke chided, wiping the dirt off of his face.

"Sure it was mister show off."

Luke's heart dropped. He didn't mean to be a show-off, he just wanted to be noticed. He wanted his friend back.

"Don't stress dumbass, you're too hard on yourself," Lee added. "Besides she's looking over here anyways I'm su-"

Luke stopped listening, turning his head around quickly. And then there was eye contact and she was caught like a deer in headlights. He beamed before shaking his head and running a hand through his hair.

She froze in her spot, brown eyes going wide as she looked away. God's sake she got caught staring.

"No thank yous?" The son of Apollo muttered, rolling his eyes.

She cast another look at him.

Luke was mature but could still hold a joke, tall with sandy blonde hair that was short and wild and looked to be jaggedly hacked off with shears. And to top it off he had really pretty blue eyes like ice that complemented the warm hues of his skin.

"God you're whipped," Hope commented, hitting her older friend with the dull blade in her hands. "I swear ever since your brother made you fess up you can't stop god damn looking."

"Ow, hey stop that-" Bri warned, holding her hands over to head to stop the whacking.

"Then stop staring."

"I'm not staring, I just liked his technique," Bri retorted, attempting to think of anything else other than the blonde boy a couple paces away.

"I'm not staring, I just liked his technique," the Athenian mocked, voice high pitched and girly as she tried to muffle her laughing.

"Hooope stop it's not like that-"

"Briii stop it's not like that-" The daughter of Ares had a dagger in her hands now, and then Hope clamped a hand over her mouth, grinning like mad. "Bri and Luke, sitting in a tree-" Hope continues, and the older girl swings at her.

"We're not even friends right now Hope," Bri mumbles, and the Athenian sighs.

"Yeah I know, what is up with that?" Hope asks, dodging another strike and retaliating.

"I don't.. I don't know."

The two girls kept fighting at one hundred percent, and even in the cold air the both of them were sweating at the impact. Bri's immense guilt at somehow pushing him away gets her angry, and blades clash loudly. Their complicated footwork had them in spirals across the entire training field, and then Bri took one more side glance and tripped over a rock.

Hope yelled in triumph as Bri fell to the ground, holding her head and groaning.

"What did I tell you. Whiiipped-" the curly-haired girl reminded her friend, and she had to move out of the way as Bri attempted to kick her with her leg while a blush spread across her face.

"I guess so."

Lee handed his friend a drink as they sat on the rocks, watching the girls train. 

Or watching the one girl, in Luke's case.

"So, what's her favorite color?"

"Red," he answered, no sort of hesitation whatsoever.

"Favorite animal?"

Luke tilted his head. "Snake."

"Birthday," Lee continued in rapid-fire.

"April 1st."

"You got a crush on her?"


Lee spits out the soda that was in his mouth, the drops landing all over the boys in a spray.

Luke's eyes were wide, face flustered as he wiped the soda off of him as best he could.

He watched the brunette look his way at the noise and he winked in panic, and then she fell over and Hope was laughing.

"Hope's gonna hold that over her head forever, just so you know," Lee commented, watching the obvious smile cross Lukes's face.

"So I did something right?"

"Not in the slightest."

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