February 14th, 2002

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Clarisse was the first to awake in the Ares cabin. Which wasn't really an accomplishment. They had family training hella early in the morning and now they were all exhausted. But she needed some fresh air outside. She tied her dark hair up, throwing on a random black t-shirt, and opened her cabin door.

And then she scowled. Right out front was a large bouquet of lilies set atop a shoebox and Clarisse tried her hardest not to kick it. She groaned loudly, picking the gifts up and quickly darting back into her cabin. No punk was going to see her morning face with flowers.

Clarisse walked over to her bunkmate who was fast asleep on the bottom, curled up around her pillow. She considered just letting her sleep, training was intense after all, but one more glare at the gifts, and Clarisse chucked them at the girl's head.

"Rise and shine stupid."

Bri startled awake, taking in whatever Clarisse had thrown at her.


"They were on the doorstep, I'm assuming they're from your boyfriend, honestly I'm not sure where this side of him came from but tell him he's ruining our 'fuck shit up' vibe," Clarisse mentioned, starting to make her bed on the top bunk.

Bri's eyes went glassy and her cheeks turned pink. He brought her gifts?

The shoebox had begun banging from the inside and she grabbed it as it fell off of her mattress. Bri opened it up and two shoes flew out, one going straight for her sister's face.

"Watch it!" Bri yelled and Clarisse's reflexes came in handy as she ducked. Waking up half the cabin as she stumbled around to retrieve them, Bri finally pinched both shoes by their wings, holding them up. They were hand-painted and a dark red, outlined in a gold rim. She checked the sole for the size and enthusiastically put them on her feet, tying bunny knots.

"Outside young lady," her oldest brother groaned, turning back over into his bed.

"Shut up Kyle," Bri sighed, grabbing Luke's present and half running, half flying out the door. "I'M STILL OLDER THAN YOU!"

Clarisse glared at Kyle, smacking him on the head before walking to her bunk and starting to make Bri's bed. She glanced at the lilies, somewhat disappointed in herself as she found a self-standing sheath and stuck the bouquet in. That would have to do.

Outside Bri was launched into the air, ending up upside down. Below her, Hope Oceania- who laughed at how stupid the older girl looked.

"You look utterly ridiculous!" Hope yelled.

"Well it's cute," Bri defended and the Athenian smiled until something else collided into her friend, sending her tumbling into the air.

Luke had full control, the shoes being his property of course, but he overestimated his PDA skills and sent them tunneling to the ground. He quickly let go, making sure he didn't hurt her when they landed, her body on top of his own.

"Why do we always end up here?" He mumbled, and she kissed his nose before answering.

"I don't know but it's comfy," Bri cocked her head.

And Luke lifted his face to hers in a kiss. "Because being in the dirt is comfortable," he rolled his eyes, but his lips stopped her reply.

(Really guys, don't kiss on the floor).

Hope's loud cough stops them as she retreats back inside, and they both have the decency to blush before standing up.

"Well, you'll get the hang of 'em soon," Luke adds, brushing himself off.


He's amused by her fake surprise and raised eyebrow. "Date night ring a bell?"

"Date night? Well I didn't even know I had a boyfriend-"

"So you're single, no? Think you'd let me take you out sometime?" Luke replies, and he's as smooth as ever.

Her fingers trail up his arm slowly before whispering into his ear. "I think I'll have to double-check with your girlfriend mister."

And Luke uses the closeness to grab her waist and hoist her over his shoulder, and it's not fair how strong he's gotten since that summer they first met.

"Oh, I'm sure she won't mind at all."

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