September 30th, 2002

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Once again, it was the middle of the night. 11 pm and Luke was gaming as usual. He played on a server with his younger brothers the Stolls, and this time Hope was in the other room with the twins, holding her own. Luke furiously screamed into his headset as his teammate shot him, then stopped as he heard a knock at his makeshift bedroom door.

"Hold on guys," he muttered, yanking the headset off in frustration and pausing the game.

Luke opened the door, and there was Bri, with red-rimmed eyes, in her pajamas and clutching a pillow.

"Oh bee baby," he muttered, bringing her into his arms and shutting the door. Luke said nothing else, letting her hang onto him in silence as he rocked her- tears soaking through his shirt. There was a small lapse and she pulled away sniffling and blinking away wet lashes. "You wanna tell me what's wrong?"

"I'm tiny," Bri mumbled, albeit difficult and for a second she thought her boyfriend would just laugh. It had been a rough evening, and for all the love her siblings had for her, they never knew when to quit it with the runt jokes.

Luke tried to resist chuckling, he really did, ruffling her hair and pulling her back into his chest. He knew. "So what?" he replied, stroking the back of her head.

"They're all like six feet and I'm never gonna reach that and now I'm just being dramatic and-"

"You're camp's best swordsman," Luke said, watching the denial flash in Bri's eyes.

"That's not-"

"Besides me. And you're faster than most of 'em and way cuter than any of them and the best camp counselor I've ever seen," he listed, bringing his thumbs up to wipe away the tears that stayed on her cheeks.

"I guess," she mumbled, looking up at him. Bri hesitated, and Luke cocked his head. "We can always go replace their swords with pool noodles-"

"Gods, Luke they'd have your head," she says quickly.

"They already want it," he pouted, and Bri rolls her eyes with a smile.

And then she spoke up. "Can I stay here?"

"Absolutely," was all he said, heading over to his dresser and pulling out a pair of sweats and a hoodie and bundling them in her arms. "It gets cold."

"CAN WE JOIN?" one of the Stoll brothers yelled over the mic, and then there was a howl of pain, presumably caused by Hope, and they shut up, kicking Luke off the game to play without him.

The blonde smiled into Bri's hair, wrapping his arms around her waist while they laid down, ignoring the game party.

Luke had said it was cold, but she never felt any of that. No shivers, or even a brisk gust of wind, and his heartbeat against her chest quietly lured her to sleep.

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