April 5th, 2002

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"Hey baby, you sure you don't want to enjoy the water?"

Luke called out to his girlfriend from the lake, where he peacefully floated on his back. He had black shades covering his eyes and sported rather festive swim trunks in bright greens and orange Hawaiian printing, and god did she hate those shorts but they didn't come with a shirt so she really couldn't complain. Bri shook her head from where she was on the sandy edge, barely dipping her toes into the water and hugging her arms close to her chest.

"It's okay, it's kinda cold, I'll just watch you guys," Bri grinned, giving him a thumbs up from the beach. Luke frowned, interrupted by one of Connor's large cannonballs into the water and Hope's enthusiastic yelling. He knew she hated the water, and he knew she'd really be perfectly fine and entertained watching him his abs and their small found family play in the water- but still, he wanted some time with her.

You couldn't blame him.

Bri returned back to her spot under the umbrellas, sighing deeply as she leaned back on her hands. Camp Half-blood did have a pretty beach, and the sun was almost setting, painting the trees in reds and golds. She briefly considered sneaking away to grab a book or simply take a nap until Hope called out her name.

"Beee can you grab me a towel?" she yelled, waving her hands up. The brunette's mom instincts kicked in and she enthusiastically nodded, grabbing a bright white camp towel and heading out towards the dock. She clutched the fluffy fabric close to her, taking a tentative step onto the dock. Bri took a deep breath, looking forward to Hope's brown eyes and not the crashing waves between the wood.

"Is something wrong?" the daughter of Athena asked, sitting up from her floaty on the lake.

The brunette took a few more steps, not saying anything and zoning out. You'll be okay, you're on the docks, Hope wouldn't let anything happen, the water's not so deep..

Bri stopped at the edge, opening her eyes as Hope reached out for the towel, stepping onto the docks next to her friend. The Ares daughter turned to leave but unfortunately slipped on a puddle forming on the edge. She watched in terror as her body fell back, wheeling her arms desperately as not to fall in.

Hope reached out for her, dropping the towel but she had already tumbled out of reach. Bri fell backward into the water- shrieking at the temperature and freezing up. Her giant splash caught the attention of Annabeth and the blonde furiously tugged Luke's arm, pointing at the docks.

At first, he thought maybe one of the Stolls had jumped in, but there was too much panic for that.

"She fell in! I'm sorry I didn't-" Hope started, and he immediately took a breath and dove under, swimming rapidly.

Hope's face fell out of view as the water clouded around, and Bri tried kicking around but no matter what she did, her body wouldn't go up. The salty water stung her eyes and when she opened her mouth to scream it only went down her throat.

Shit please I don't want to drown.

Her hair wildly floated in front of her eyes, tickling at her face and when a hand curled around her arm she kicked its owner somewhere, thrashing around.

I can't breathe, I can't close my mouth, don't touch me I don't want to be dragged down,

Man fuck you Poseidon.

The blonde son of Hermes wrapped his arm around her waist, keeping an iron grip as he kicked upward, propelling them both up to the surface of the water. He let go of the breath he was holding, keeping Bri close to him as she choked on the saltwater she was trying to get out of her mouth.

Almost effortlessly Luke helped her up the ladder back onto the dock, and the brunette sat down right there, utterly drenched, and brought her knees close to her chest. Hope knelt down, wrapping her towel around Bri's shoulders while she kept shaking.

Luke rested his arms on the dock, staying right by her side.

"Hey love you okay?" he asked gently, hoisting himself up and spinning around, letting his legs dangle in the lake while he pulled her close to him. "C'mon talk to me, it was just an accident. No don't bury your head-" Luke reached for her hand and Bri grabbed his tightly in return, taking deep breaths. "Just keep breathing alright? You're safe, I won't let you fall in again." He continued, more than willing to fill the silence.

Bri finally let her knees drop, bringing the towel closer around her body as she let her head lean on Luke's shoulder. "Thank you," she muttered, lacing their fingers together.

"Ah don't mention it, I should have suggested a different activity but well, the Stolls wanted this so bad and I- never mind," Luke replied, bringing a hand up to his girlfriend's head and stroking her hair.

"Stolls will be Stolls," she commented quietly, and they fell into a short silence watching the sunset on the dock- drenched and freezing and happy.

"You look good by the way," he coughed, "but next time you girls decide to get new beach clothes, warn us poor guys-"

"Then there's no surprise to it!" Bri complained, watching as the hand on her waist started wiggling its fingers. She tried pushing it off, erupting into a fit of giggles as he started tickling her sensitive skin, careful to pull them away from the water's edge. "Lu- Luke stop, that's not fair-"

The blonde grinned devilishly, laying her back and pointing at the black top she wore. "No that's not fair."

"Shut up," Bri said, rolling her eyes and glancing at the orange horizon one more time before wrapping her arms around him and pulling him down for a kiss.

They both tasted like bitter saltwater, and it's sloppy and demanding and every bit rough as the old Halfblood dock they were on. But that was how it goes.

When they finally pulled away (thank you, demigod stamina), Luke looked down with a mischievous smirk. "Maybe you should drown more often."

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