August 15th, 2005

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One more kiss. And then she pushed him off of her, and he dramatically flopped into the hotel blankets. Immediately, Luke faced his girlfriend again, grinning, and acting like a puppy. He just needed attention.

He settled his face close to Bri's, and she gave in, turning her body to face his.

"You think we can risk another day or so?" He asked genuinely, trying to catch his breath.

Bri groaned, kicking the hot blankets onto the ground and playing with the hair that fell into his eyes. "I don't know... we're already pushing it. What is this, day three of let's abandon camp to go to Vegas and take a vacation?" She responded.

"A well-deserved vacation," Luke defended, and his hands cupped her face again to kiss her, lightly biting on her bottom lip until she gave in. His hands trailed down her neck, down the soft fabric of her stolen shirt, and then he relented and laid at her side again.

There was silence and he reached for her hand, pulling it away from his forehead and entwining their fingers. Luke stared at the hotel ceiling, glancing over every once in a while.

"Not much of a vacation if we've been inside for two days," his girlfriend comments, and he lets out a small laugh that she wants to hear 'til the end of her days.

He leads his free hand up the bare skin of her thigh, pushing her shirt up just a few more inches. "I don't know about you but I've done plenty of exploring."

Bri turns red. "Stop that," she mutters endearingly, but doesn't actually make any move to stop him, and Luke smirks with low-lidded eyes.

"Gods I could just-"

"ROOM SERVICE!" the hotel attendant announces from outside and the blonde man lets out a few choice words in Latin as he gets up from the bed.

When he returns it's almost ten minutes later, and he carries a wine bottle with a white satin ribbon as well as the bag of to-go Italian.

"Did we order wine?" Bri asks, cocking her head and reaching out for the bottle, reading the label and untying the ribbon.

Luke shook his head. "No but I guess the complimentary honeymoon package was cheaper than what we ordered so the lady did that, I figured it was a better option."

"You do know your money-saving habits are being used on a fake card right?" The brunette laughs, and his cheeks go red.

"Well I'm building good habits for the future," Luke huffs, sliding in under the covers next to her as they work on unboxing all the food.

It's almost an hour and a bottle of wine later that the attendant's words ring through his ears.

"Have fun with your wife, son! It's not every day you get married!"


They weren't married. Yet.

It was just a guise to get cheaper deals, a one-bedroom hotel, free cake at the six-course buffet because it was their "honeymoon".

He liked addressing her as Mrs. Castellan. A bit too much.

Luke's arms were wrapped around her figure, her back to his chest as she flipped through the pages of Emma.

Her breathing was soft, her skin was soft, and the way her hair fell down her back so he could smell the faint hotel shampoo of rosemary and mint had him closing his eyes in contentment.

Bri moves to flip another page, and his blue eyes catch her hand- attached to how empty her finger is. He looks over at the dresser, where he knows the bottom shelf holds a special velvet box.

You Wanna Go To Vegas? (Luke Castellan x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now